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Barber Holmes supports mission of 推荐正规买球平台 Foundation

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Click to enlarge,  Barber Holmes, who has served as the <a href=''>推荐正规买球平台</a> Foundation's board president, continues his support of moving the college ahead.

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Barber Holmes, who has served as the 推荐正规买球平台 Foundation's board president, continues his support of moving ... (more)

09.15.2017College & CommunityCollege GeneralFoundation

桑福德——当Barber Holmes加入中央卡罗来纳社区学院基金会董事会时, he actually didn't know all that much about the college. Now, just six years later, he has concluded a successful, 许多人说,他的两年总统任期开启了一个新的时代, vibrant era for the Foundation.

And for the entire college.

Holmes loves to talk about 推荐正规买球平台, 关注学院如何为整个社区的人们创造机会, but he doesn't like talking about himself. During an interview, 他把每个个人问题都转移到整个董事会的成就上, 在查塔姆推广这所学院的二十多位社区领袖, 哈内特和李县,他们筹集资金提供了他非常重视的机会.

His point is well taken. Nobody can do it alone, and elevating just one person in any organization, even the president, 听起来像是你在贬低其他人的贡献吗.

On the other hand, Dr. 艾米丽·黑尔也不想低估福尔摩斯的成就. When you ask what those achievements have been, 基金会的执行董事毫不犹豫地开始列举一些重要的问题.

He expanded the college endowment by more $1 million, 允许学院提供更多的学术奖学金. 去年,大约200名学生获得了总额超过20万美元的奖学金.

He added two fundraising golf tournaments, boosting 推荐正规买球平台's "unrestricted funds," money the college can use for any purpose, so it can seize opportunities quickly when they arise.

He significantly elevated 推荐正规买球平台's public profile, especially in Chatham, where Holmes resides, and helped get a new health science building approved. The structure will be located in northern Chatham, along U.S. 15-501 just north of Fearrington Village.

“福尔摩斯非常谦虚,不会谈论他有多出色, but he's very much an ambassador for the college," says Hare. “他赢得了整个董事会的尊重,非常鼓舞人心. He goes above and beyond to make sure people know who we are."

Landing on the Board


His family did have ties with the college. 位于推荐正规买球平台查塔姆校区查塔姆社区图书馆的福尔摩斯家庭会议室是以他父母的名字命名的. His mother, the late Mary Hayes Barber Holmes, 是第一位当选查塔姆县委员的女性,并在县和州的圈子里担任了多年的举足轻重的人物. His father, Edward S. Holmes, 是一名退休的匹兹堡律师,曾是北卡罗来纳州立法机构的成员,也曾在推荐正规买球平台基金会董事会任职.

事实上,福尔摩斯降落在跳板上的时候,他的父亲正在旋转. 当一位前任执行董事向老福尔摩斯请教谁可能是接替他的人选时, the father suggested his son.

Holmes brought to the board strong local ties, especially in Chatham, 在那里学院的影响力不如在李校区那么大. 黑尔认为,在这个国家正在发展的时期,这一点尤为重要. "When he took over, many people in Chatham, and especially in north Chatham, didn't know 推荐正规买球平台 existed," she says. "He came on and helped bring the college to the forefront. 如果查塔姆要继续发展——包括查塔姆公园和大型工业园区——那么中交就是关键."

作为霍尔姆斯石油公司的副总裁,霍尔姆斯也给董事会带来了敏锐的商业头脑, a family business based in Chapel Hill. Not many locals may recognize the name, 但他们很可能是通过Cruizer和公司做生意, 该公司在北卡罗来纳州中部拥有二十多家连锁便利店,或者与其他地区的零售商合作,这些零售商销售从霍姆斯石油公司购买的埃克森美孚和瓦莱罗汽油.

这种商业经验可能是他能够有效地将这么多不同的人聚集在一起的原因. Among all of the accomplishments during his tenure, 霍姆斯说,其中最重要的是在该地区所有高中安排顾问,帮助学生在毕业前注册推荐正规买球平台课程并获得大学学分. 这项倡议是由中交基金会在一项特别活动中筹集的资金开始的,该活动超出了正在进行的筹款活动.

当被问及这个问题时,福尔摩斯再次淡化了自己的角色. "I don't take credit; it's just one of the things we accomplished," he said, 指出社区倡导者柯克布拉德利带头,推荐正规买球平台主席博士. T. Eston Marchant为项目的成功提供了最初的推动力. "That was a big team effort."

Working for the Future

尽管霍姆斯已不再是推荐正规买球平台基金会的主席, he's still as active as ever, just with a different title. 相当长的一个,事实上:查塔姆国际事务研究所的前任主席. And he's still dialed in on moving the college ahead.

当谈话从他自己转回学校时,福尔摩斯变得更加活跃了. 他有力地指出,中国交建的竞争地位非常强大,而且只会变得更强, year by year, 因为它被誉为该州顶尖的社区学院之一,甚至获得了几项全国性的荣誉. Earlier this summer, 最佳学院网站将推荐正规买球平台的兽医技术员项目排名第12位,牙科保健师项目排名第18位.

霍尔姆斯说,他仍然会去几乎任何地方谈论推荐正规买球平台是一个伟大的地方,年轻人正在努力决定如何继续他们的教育. "With the way the economy and business are now, 推荐正规买球平台 fits both ends of the spectrum,他用一种标志性的热情说道,这种热情似乎几乎具有感染力. “你可以读两年,然后转到四年制大学. Or, if you have a more general idea of what you want to do, 你可以拿到两年制的学位,然后尽快去工作. And you can do it affordably."


But most of all, he keeps talking about opportunity. Opportunity for students. Opportunity for companies. And opportunity for entire communities. “这是最重要的事情:我们只是想感谢大家把我们放在心里,为学校做出贡献," he says. “这帮助了很多可能没有机会的人."

For more information on the 推荐正规买球平台 Foundation, visit