
推荐正规买球平台's UBMS program making positive impact on Harnett students

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按此放大,  (Katerina Marroquin, 哈佛大学管理学院的大四学生, served as an intern for Anderson Creek Emergency 服务.


(Katerina Marroquin, 哈佛大学管理学院的大四学生, served as an intern for Anderson Creek Emergency ... (更多)

按此放大,  切尔西约翰逊, 哈佛大学管理学院的大四学生, served as an intern for Dunn Animal Hospital.


切尔西约翰逊, 哈佛大学管理学院的大四学生, served as an intern for Dunn Animal Hospital.

按此放大,  UBMS students pose for a photo while visiting Boone, N.C.


UBMS students pose for a photo while visiting Boone, N.C.

按此放大,  UBMS students conduct science experiments at the N.C. 罗利市自然科学博物馆.C.


UBMS students conduct science experiments at the N.C. 罗利市自然科学博物馆.C. ... (更多)

01.30.2017管理员、教师 & 工作人员大学 & 社区大学一般

桑福德——就在四年前, 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 was awarded a five-year grant for an Upward Bound Math and Science (UBMS) program, one of the college's first TRiO grants from the U.S. 教育部. The program has been making a positive impact on the educational trajectories of Harnett County high school students ever since.

In a recent publication shared by the program, several ways in which the UBMS program has supported the success of its students from Harnett County high schools were highlighted, 包括学生的gpa数据, 行为, 和SAT分数, 实习的经历, 获得的大学学分, 中学后的入学率.

Through a close collaboration with Harnett County Schools, the Upward Bound Math and Science TRiO program has served 105 students in the county's high schools since 2012. The average GPA of students in the program in 2015-16 was 3.4085, and over the past three years, 93 percent of students have achieved a GPA of 2.5或以上. 去年, the program provided 48 hours of 行为 and SAT 测试准备aration to its 11th grade students, 结果就是, the average SAT score of participants increased by 191 points, and the average composite 行为 test score increased by 3 points. Prior to the 测试准备aration provided by Upward Bound Math and Science, students' average scores were below the Harnett County Schools' average, 然而, 考试准备后, their average scores exceeded the Harnett County Schools' average on all sections of both standardized tests.

除了数字和分数, students in the Upward Bound Math and Science program have completed summer internships with approximately 40 local businesses and organizations, 7岁以上志愿者,500 hours of service to these organizations while learning about their career field of interest, 获得宝贵的工作经验, 并接受当地专业人士的指导. Graduates of the program have also taken advantage of the program's Summer Bridge program, in which they can enroll in free college courses in a supportive environment offered by the program just prior to entering college. This allows graduates to get a head start on earning college credits at no cost, and ensures that they are well prepared for the rigorous academic environment of postsecondary education so that they are successful from the start.

完成课程后, nearly all Upward Bound Math and Science alumni have matriculated into college immediately after high school graduation. Seventy-two percent of graduates are enrolled at four-year colleges and universities and 28 percent of students started at a community college; 66 percent attend a public college while 34 percent attend a private college; and 89 percent of graduates enrolled in-state, 而11%的人在州外冒险. Forty-five graduates of the program who are enrolled in college are spread out among 30 colleges or universities, 包括阿巴拉契亚州立大学, 坎贝尔大学, 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 和维克森林大学, 举几个例子.

(Katerina Marroquin, 欧佛山高中的高三学生, is hoping to enroll at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill or Georgetown University to pursue a degree in Biology and Latin American Linguistics and Studies. "I hope to enroll in a good medical school to become a pediatrician and open up a bilingual pediatric clinic or travel abroad to help children through the UNICEF program,马罗金说, who has two younger sisters who also have joined the UBMS program.

"The Upward Bound Math and Science program has allowed me to participate in opportunities I never knew existed. 在参加这个项目之前, I had no idea what to do when it came to college preparation, 更不用说申请学校了, 奖学金, 或者任何教育项目. 我只能靠自己, 而是在UBMS领导的帮助下, I have not only obtained valuable information for my academic future, but gained confidence in myself to break barriers and make not only my family, 但我的UBMS顾问很自豪,马罗金说. "They have helped me tremendously throughout my high school career with 测试准备aration, helping me arrange my schedule to the highest academic rigor, and allowing me to take part in amazing summer programs to broaden my view of society and the real world. I want to prove to people that I have the ability to change people's lives, and I cannot thank the UBMS crew enough for changing mine."

UBMS高级Kayla 约翰逊, 欧佛山高中的, said she has gained much confidence in herself as a member of the UBMS program. “如果没有这个项目, I wouldn't feel so excited and prepared when I think about attending college in the very near future,约翰逊说. "Through the guidance of some amazing counselors and tutors that the Upward Bound Math and Science program offered, I have learned what it truly means to love and be serious about getting an education. I love the trips we often go on, as they enable me to visit even colleges that are out-of-state. Traveling with UBMS has really brightened my mind, and has sparked this desire to see so much more of the world."

约翰逊, who has been accepted at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, said her goal is to major in Psychology and Visual 艺术 so that she can combine them in a career as a clinical art therapist. "I aspire to one day utilize art therapy in creating television shows for children as well as people with cognitive disabilities,她说.

切尔西约翰逊, also 哈佛大学管理学院的大四学生 at Overhills High School, said the best part of the Upward Bound program is the amazing people she has met and with whom she has built relationships. "It was nice to see my peers grow just as I was, both academically and socially. I am truly honored to have been a part of this phenomenal program and I thank everyone who has helped me make it this far. I will forever cherish my time spent within this program," 约翰逊 said.

She notes that she has seven college acceptances. "Upward Bound provided me tools all throughout my high school career encouraging my success to include SAT/行为 prep, residential summer math and science sessions, 恢复建设, 大学之旅, 还有更多. 具体地说, this program taught me how to navigate through the college application process and to do so with confidence and they were with me every step of the way,她说. "They also challenged me to apply to a lot of schools which I otherwise probably never would have done. 另外, I was enabled to work my first internship alongside a team of veterinarians, 我未来的职业是什么. 通过这个过程, Upward Bound taught me how to work up a resume, 回答面试问题, 以及良好职业道德的重要性."

The Upward Bound Math and Science (UBMS) program is one of the Federal TRiO 项目, which are outreach and student services programs designed to identify and provide services for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds. TRiO programs emerged out of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 in response to the administration's War on Poverty and include eight programs operated by the U.S. 教育部 and targeted to serve and assist low-income individuals, 第一代大学生, and individuals with disabilities to progress through the academic pipeline from middle school to postbaccalaureate programs.

Upward Bound Math and Science was created by the 教育部 in 1990 to address the need for specific instruction in the fields of math and science. The Upward Bound Math and Science program is designed to strengthen the math and science skills of participating students. The goal of the program is to help students recognize and develop their potential to excel in math and science and to encourage them to pursue postsecondary degrees in math and science, and ultimately careers in the math and science profession. 服务 provided to participants include academic instruction, 辅导, 行为和SAT准备, assistance completing college admissions and financial aid applications, 指导, 职业咨询, 实习的经历, 校内住宿暑期项目, 夏季桥梁项目, 文化丰富.

Currently there are 166 Upward Bound Math and Science programs nationwide serving more than 10,000名参与者, with 推荐正规买球平台's UBMS program being the only one of five in the state of North Carolina. The Upward Bound Math and Science program at 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 currently serves at least 62 students from Harnett County high schools in grades 9 through 12 with a $257,美国政府每年拨款491美元.S. 教育部.

"This is a great program for high school students who are interested in going to college but need additional guidance and resources to get there,艾希礼·提特莫尔说, Executive Director of 大学 Access 项目 at 推荐正规买球平台 and Director of the Upward Bound Math and Science program. "UBMS is able to provide valuable services to students who may not otherwise have equitable access, 比如大学旅游, 测试准备, 还有暑期项目. These services are often the difference between a student going to college or not.

“我是第一代学生, I believe that these students deserve every opportunity and advantage they can get, and I'm so proud of all they have accomplished as a result of these opportunities. It has been an honor to work in such a wonderful program that makes such as positive, lasting impact on the lives of students we serve."

For more information on the Upward Bound Math and Science program at 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院, 请浏览网址: www.预备.edu/ubms, 或联系Ashley Tittemore, 推荐正规买球平台's Executive Director of 大学 Access 项目, 电话:919-718-7463或电子邮件 atittemore@预备.edu.