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按此放大,  Professional actor Mike Wiley (center) visits with <a href='http://delcxy.ospifse.net'>推荐正规买球平台</a> 社会 Sciences Lead Instructor Bianka Stumpf (left) and Temple Theatre Producing Artistic Director 佩吉Taphorn.


Professional actor Mike Wiley (center) visits with 推荐正规买球平台 社会 Sciences Lead Instructor Bianka Stumpf ... (更多)

按此放大,  Professional actor Mike Wiley performs for 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 students at the Temple Theatre.


Professional actor Mike Wiley performs for 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 students at the Temple ... (更多)

12.28.2016大学 & 社区大学一般继续教育

SANFORD - Onlookers were lashing between hysterical laughter and quiet reflection as Mike Wiley moved around the stage, 把自己从一个角色变成另一个角色, 讲述在蒙哥马利发生的那决定性的一天, 阿拉巴马州.罗莎·帕克斯(Rosa Parks)在一辆城市公交车上拒绝让座,改变了世界.

在《推荐正规买球平台》中,这位职业演员让他的观众与乔·安·罗宾逊面对面, 克劳德特科尔文, 以及几十年前引发民权运动的其他不太为人所知的活动人士.

偶尔, he pulled some surprised observers out of their seats and up on stage to reenact some of history's pivotal events, but with the roles reversed: a black policeman confronts a white woman as she holds her ground on the bus.


这场日场的大多数观众是来自中央卡罗莱纳社区学院的学生, 但不是演员, 音乐家, 或者你可能期望在圣殿剧院演出戏剧作品的艺术家. 他们是大学转校生,学习美国文学和历史. 社会学和人文学科. 即使是写. 所有人都在亲身感受正在发生的事情. 在他们面前. 在案发的房间里.

在几百名热情的观众雷鸣般的鼓掌之后, Wiley stood on stage for what theater people call a "talkback" -- the chance for the audience to interact with the performer, 讨论业绩及其引发的问题.



今天很特别,但对推荐正规买球平台的学生来说并没有什么特别的. Bianka Stumpf, 推荐正规买球平台's 社会 Sciences Lead Instructor who organizes enrichment activities like this one, 说学生们每年通常会参加两三场戏剧表演, 利用附近有圣殿剧院的优势, 一个吸引全国优秀艺术家的专业剧院.

就在一个月前, 学生们在同一个房间里看《正规买球app十佳排行》,改编自体育记者米奇·阿尔博姆的自传体故事. 剧作家戏剧服务公司这样描述故事情节:“毕业16年后, Mitch happens to catch Morrie's appearance on a television news program and learns that his old professor is battling Lou Gehrig's Disease. 米奇和莫里团聚了, and what starts as a simple visit turns into a weekly pilgrimage and a last class in the meaning of life."

就像迈克·威利的表演一样,观众不仅仅是演员. Sitting in the theater were more than a hundred 推荐正规买球平台 students studying human services technology and a variety of social sciences -- all examining topics ranging from how people deal with death and grief to how a dramatic scene can be written to intensify its effect.

这次经历产生了影响. Breanne Priestner, 一个学习人类服务技术的学生, 从心理角度看这部戏,觉得很“粗糙”.

“我同情莫里和米奇, and understood where both men were in their handle on what their lives have thrown at them,她在演出结束后写道. "I've been in Mitch's shoes; after losing my dad in Iraq, I closed myself off for years. I did not want to be 'touchy feely' or feel much of anything that brought actual feelings.

“我也经历过莫里的处境. I know what it is like to be extremely aware that life is short and that being close to death can make someone feel twice as alive. 我知道爱一个人会受伤,但生活就是这样."

其他人则从完全不同的角度看待这场表演. 给黛雅·特里, it was the opportunity to see how playwrights Jeffrey Hatcher and Mitch Albom structured the play and used literary techniques to sharpen its message.

"Watching the performance helped to bring about a better understanding of how to shape my own pieces, 比如我们这学期要写的10分钟剧本," she wrote in a reflective assignment for 推荐正规买球平台 Humanities Chair Ty Stumpf's creative writing class. "Stepping into Temple Theatre provided me with more inspiration than the four walls of our classroom could have and allowed our class to think about how to apply themes to our assignments effectively, 在观察了演员的动作和表演的技术方面之后.

“这说明了让你的剧本让人感觉它不是一部戏剧是多么重要, 但是一个现实的场合."


佩吉Taphorn, 坦普尔剧院的制片艺术总监, 了解戏剧的力量, 尤其是对年轻人来说, which is why the Temple offers special student prices to matinee performances like the ones 推荐正规买球平台 attends. It's also why the nonprofit has its own educational outreach with weeklong workshops and a popular summer youth conservatory.

在九年前上任之前, Taphorn was a professional actor and dance captain on some of the world's greatest stages, 甚至出现在百老汇的六场演出中. She has seen how theater has a unique ability to draw audiences into an unfamiliar place and help them connect deeply with the wide range of characters they see on stage.

"It is unlike any other form of entertainment as you are asked to lean forward and participate and not just observe,Taphorn解释道. "This interaction stirs up emotional responses -- as an individual audience member and for the group as a whole. 它增加了每一场表演的独特性."

戏剧和 ... 古币?

学院全年都有丰富多彩的活动. Pulitzer Prize winning photographer Jose Galvez gave students a peek through his lens and into his life during a lecture and exhibition last April, and author and archaeologist Char Solomon was on campus in October to discuss her encounter with the ancient Maya culture.

And theater has even played a supporting role for some of these events that don't have any direct connection to the stage at all.

为了使美国货币上的面孔多样化,美国财政部在一份声明中说.S. Secretary of the Treasury Jacob Lew announced two years ago that Alexander Hamilton's portrait would be replaced on the 10-dollar bill. 那个决定不太受欢迎. 汉密尔顿不仅创造了同样的美国.S. 发行货币的财政部,并担任其首席秘书, but the hip-hop musical "Hamilton" was performing in New York City and taking the culture by storm.

A frenetic nationwide movement led by "Hamilton" creator Lin-Manuel Miranda saved the portrait and gave Bianka Stumpf an opening. 所以,她邀请了Dr. Anthony Harrington to discuss the evolution of currency with students studying American history, 业务, 和经济学.


戏剧本身就是一门学科, 但Bianka, Ty, and her colleagues have used the art form to help students of all kinds connect with people and ideas. She recalls running across some research years ago showing how students attending Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" understood the work better than students who merely read the play. 他们对角色也更感同身受.

But she believes the power of theater is even greater than that -- especially for those on stage, 也让每个观众都能感受到这个故事. Theater gives people the chance to go places they don't ordinary go and meet people they don't ordinarily meet. “如果你接触过艺术, 你知道它对参与者和观众的价值,Bianka Stumpf说. “通过戏剧,学生们可以获得原本没有的生活体验."

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