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Sanford Mayor Chet Mann visits 推荐正规买球平台 Adult High School program

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Click to enlarge,  The Honorable T. Chet Mann, Mayor of Sanford.

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The Honorable T. Chet Mann, Mayor of Sanford.

11.24.2015College & CommunityCollege General

SANFORD - The Honorable T. Chet Mann, Mayor of Sanford, recently visited with the Adult High School program at the W.B. Wicker Campus of Central Carolina Community College.

Mayor Mann was invited to the class by one of the students as part of a Social Studies project assigned by Instructor Loria King. The student successfully completed her project with the assistance of Kate Rumely and Connie Morgan of Brick Capital Community Development Corporation. About 25 students attended the informal chat forum.

Mayor Mann presented his plan for the City of Sanford, followed by a question and answer period.

Mayor Mann listed a number of accomplishments during the first two years of his four-year term, including beautification of the city.

Mayor Mann also elaborated on his three-point plan for the city. These points included:

  • Pumping new life into downtown Sanford with support of small business and the arts.
  • Actively recruiting new jobs into the city.
  • Providing reliable city services at a reasonable cost by using the best management practices.

After his presentation, students and instructors were allowed to ask questions and pose for pictures.

Later, students were asked their comments and viewpoints on the mayor's visit. One said, "I like what he said about establishing a youth park. We really need somewhere safe to play recreational sports. I really thought it was cool to have a government official come to our class." Another said, "I like what he said about building up Sanford and how the sidewalk project will be connecting the Jonesboro area with the other parts of town."

Sandra Thompson, College and Career Readiness Coordinator, thanked the mayor and presented him with a gift.

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