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10.20.2015大学 & 社区大学一般继续教育

桑福德——你有没有想过成为一名公证人? 或者,你想过写一个引人入胜的神秘故事吗? 也许你对啤酒酿造感兴趣.

这些只是目前由中央卡罗来纳社区学院经济和社区发展部门(ECD)在艺术和工艺领域提供的各种课程的一部分, 创意写作, 人力资源发展, 语言, 专业发展, 小型企业研讨会, 和可持续性.


专业发展: Notary Public; Auto Dealers; Electrical Contractor - Analysis of NEC changes 2014 (Part A); Electrical Contractor - Analysis of NEC changes 2014 (Part B); Forklift Fundamentals; OBD; OBD Refresher; Vehicle Safety Inspection

人力资源开发:不要紧张! Control the Interview; Get to Work with NC Works Online

Sustainability: Beer Brewing (Intermediate); Crop Planning and Budgeting Tools; Photovoltaic for Electricians Series (Beginning)

语言:“Hablemos! “让我们谈谈”西班牙语浸入式


艺术和工艺:绘画-丙烯,油, & Pastels; Photoshop Elements; Sewing

小型企业研讨会 (classes are free): Alternative Financing For Your Small Business; Creating an Integrated Small Business 社会 Media Marketing Plan; Free Online Resources for Small Businesses and Non-Profits; How 社会 Media Can Boost Your Bottom Line; How to Find and Keep Your Customers; QuickBooks Basics: Part II; Free Online Resources for Small Businesses and Non-Profits; How to Find Your Customers; Introduction to Google Tools; Marketing Your Business; Using Instagram to Gain and Retain More Business

了解更多信息或注册这些课程, 联系中央卡罗莱纳社区学院ECD学生支持中心,电话:919-718-7500, 或者访问该学院的网站 www.预备.edu/ECD.