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按此放大,  Industry training directors and administrators from community colleges in eastern North Carolina have been coming to 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院's Industry Training Center at the Lee County Innovation Center to experience the simulated work environment (SWE) and other workforce training programs. 然后,他们与他们合作的行业共享这些信息. 图为(左起)SWE认证教练Bob Jones博士. 皮埃蒙特大学继续教育副总裁多丽丝·卡弗(Doris Carver)说.C., Dr. 彼得里奇, 杜伦技术公司的企业和继续教育临时副总裁.C.罗金厄姆大学(Rockingham C .)继续教育学院院长劳拉.C., observe as David Pritchett, coordinator for Business and Industry at Guilford Technical C.C.练习组装一个滑车装载机的模型. SWE is one of many training programs provided by 推荐正规买球平台 for local industry at the Innovation Center. 有关中交所行业培训项目的信息,请访问www.预备.edu/ecd/departments/businessindustry/ 或致电工业服务办公室919-718-7212.


Industry training directors and administrators from community colleges in eastern North Carolina have ... (更多)

按此放大,  Industry training directors and administrators from community colleges in eastern North Carolina have been coming to 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院's Industry Training Center at the Lee County Innovation Center to experience the simulated work environment (SWE) and other workforce training programs. 然后,他们与他们合作的行业共享这些信息. Pictured (from left) are Debra Seamster, director of Customized Training 项目 at Piedmont C.C.; Steve Costelloe, Business and Industry Training director at Guilford C.C.; Doug Aitkin, program director for Corporate 服务 at Durham Technical C.C.; and Dorinda Gilliam, Business and Industry coordinator at Alamance C.C. They practice their assembly and teamwork skills on mock-ups of skid steer loaders during the SWE training session. SWE is one of many training programs provided by 推荐正规买球平台 for local industry at the Innovation Center. 有关中交所行业培训项目的信息,请访问www.预备.edu/ecd/departments/businessindustry/ 或致电工业服务办公室919-718-7212.


Industry training directors and administrators from community colleges in eastern North Carolina have ... (更多)

按此放大,  艾丽森·托雷斯(左), 南李高中的校长, is congratulated by <a href='http://delcxy.ospifse.net'>推荐正规买球平台</a> President Bud Marchant (second from right) on his May 2 induction into the Caterpillar Youth Apprenticeship Program in welding. 同样祝贺托雷斯的还有唐尼·奥尔德姆(托雷斯身后), chair of the Lee Economic Development Committee; Dr. 安迪·布莱恩, associate superintendent of Lee County Schools; and Martin Kegel, 是卡特彼勒-桑福德公司的设备经理. 来自李县公立高中的16名学生被纳入该计划, 是什么培训他们成为一名焊工. 学生们将在大学校园学习他们的技能, through the college's Industry 服务 Center at the Innovation Center in the Lee County Industrial Park, 在卡特彼勒-桑福德. 有关中交所行业培训项目的信息,请访问www.预备.edu/ecd/departments/businessindustry/ 或致电工业服务办公室919-718-7212.


艾丽森·托雷斯(左), 南李高中的校长, is congratulated by 推荐正规买球平台 President Bud Marchant ... (更多)

按此放大,  凯西·斯温德尔(左), 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院工业服务主任, 凯蒂Caselli, 科蒂公司人力资源学习和发展经理, 公司.该公司的桑福德工厂, 和肯德尔·克劳福德, 推荐正规买球平台行业服务培训师, check out the computerized controls for the 过程控制 training station in the instrumentation and calibration room at the college's Industry Training Center. 美国国际贸易委员会, 为查塔姆学院服务地区的行业提供劳动力培训, 哈内特和李县, 位于李县工业园区的李县创新中心. Swindell has been involved in industry workforce training by the college since 1997 and has directed the Industry 服务 Center since 2007. 欲了解更多中国中交的行业劳动力培训信息,请访问www.预备.edu/ecd/departments/businessindustry/ 或致电工业服务办公室919-718-7212.


凯西·斯温德尔(左), 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院工业服务主任, 凯蒂Caselli, ... (更多)


SANFORD - Creative thinking and economic development have joined forces at the Innovation Center in the Lee County Industrial Park.

一年多一点, what was once a closed-down manufacturing facility has become a powerhouse of workforce training, 振兴李县及其他地区的经济发展.

扭转局面源于李县委员会的远见卓见, 谁在2010年买下了这家工厂, combined with 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院's strong record in skilled industry workforce training.

从2012年7月到2013年4月的短短10个月时间里, more than 600 workers in area industries have been trained or retrained in the latest manufacturing skills, 从仪器和校准到模拟工作环境(SWE), 在大学里,创新中心600平方英尺的行业培训中心.

“从县的角度来看, 创新中心超出了我们的预期,李县县长约翰·克伦普顿说. “由于我们对制造业的依赖以及县里的公司数量, 职业培训和劳动力发展必须成为优先事项. 从这个角度来看,该中心是一项巨大的投资, 县里和学院有很好的合作关系."

凯茜Swindell, 推荐正规买球平台的行业服务官员, describes the Center as an important resource for meeting the workforce training demands of area industries. She works with companies to offer the latest in industry training skills or to design company-specific training that can be done at the Innovation Center or at the company's plant.

大部分培训是由联合国资助的.C. 社区学院系统的定制培训计划, 使培训对公司来说是免费的或低成本的.

“制造业已经改变了,”斯温德尔说. “低技能、低工资的工作正在消失,被取代. 有更多的自动化, 更高的技能水平, 计算机知识, 更多的员工参与到工作中来. 作为一个社区大学, we are doing what we can to enhance workforce skills so there are workers ready for the jobs that are out there."

创新中心的工业培训中心包括一个有8个隔间的焊接实验室, 虚拟焊机, 以及便携式机器人焊接教育中心. 仪器和校准室提供有关泵的培训, 液压, 气动, 过程控制, 以及相关的制造技能. 美国国际贸易委员会 also houses a simulated work environment (SWE) and a large area for other training.

"The Innovation Center has provided numerous growth and learning opportunities for Red Wolf, 公司's. associates," said Ramona Bowling, the Sanford company's director of Quality and Compliance. “从参加SWE活动到精益六西格玛, Red Wolf associates have been exposed to different manufacturing tools and added many skills to their tool box and have helped Red Wolf to maintain a culture of continuous learning and improvement leading to increased associate and customer satisfaction."

创新中心就像一台运转良好的机器, 拥有各种各样的劳动力培训项目. 模拟工作环境(SWE)不仅引起了地区行业的兴趣, 也包括该地区以外的公司和教育工作者. 在美国只有两个SWE训练设施.C. 社区 大学 System: 推荐正规买球平台's in the eastern region of the state and Forsyth Technical's in the western region.

“公司追求的是效率——这正是SWE流程所教导的,克利夫兰·刘易斯说, 联合国区域主任.C. 中北部地区定制培训计划. 4月25日,他在创新中心观看了SWE的训练.

"Representatives from seven community colleges are here today to learn about the simulated work environment so they can share information with industries in their areas about how it can benefit them,刘易斯说. “SWE让员工参与设计和决策过程."

Dr. 彼得里奇, 杜伦技术公司的企业和继续教育临时副总裁ommunity 大学, 有参加培训的人吗.

"I came from curriculum and this is a great opportunity for us to learn what our trainers are doing and our students are experiencing, 所以我们可以提供更好的资源,他说. “不仅是在生产车间工作的经历令人着迷, 还要看这个过程如何改变,如何协同作用来改善这个过程. 很高兴来到这里."

The first Lean Six Sigma Green Belt class at the Innovation Center started May 24 and concludes in July with a certification exam. The training combines knowledge and implementation of the quality output goals of Six Sigma with the Lean managerial concept that focuses on eliminating waste and variability in manufacturing outcomes.

“这是一个试点项目,”斯温德尔说. “在我们评估之后, 我们将把它作为任何行业的全面课程推出, 医疗保健, 或者服务行业——任何有兴趣改善的行业."

The Caterpillar Youth Apprenticeship Program, which brings together 推荐正规买球平台, Caterpillar, 公司.,李县学校,和N.C. 劳工部, provides a carefully planned educational and work-experience sequence that benefits not only Caterpillar and other companies seeking well-qualified and trained apprentice welders, 还有即将进入劳动力市场的年轻人.

他们高中毕业时拿到了一张文凭, 推荐正规买球平台焊接证书, 在卡特彼勒接受专业焊接培训, 以及在高要求职业领域的工作经验. 该项目在纽约时报5月至6月的在线通讯中进行了专题报道.C. 劳工部.

中交建最近从联合国获得了99,970美元的赠款.C. 农村中心实施工业维修技师培训计划. 它最初将针对地区失业和就业不足的工人. The Center will also offer a Production Technician Certificate that meets the requirements of the national Manufacturing Skills Standard Council.

"中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 was founded more than 50 years ago to provide skilled workforce training, 改善人民生活, 加强我们社区的经济机会,中国交建主席马尚说. “我们的使命在很多方面都有所扩展, but our core value remains partnering with our communities and industries to empower people through education and training. 创新中心在实现这一目标方面发挥着重要作用."

有关中交所行业培训计划的信息,请访问 www.预备.edu/ecd/business-industry/ 或致电工业服务办公室919-718-7212.