
预备管理员, government leaders tour Health Sciences Building

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按此放大,  中央卡罗莱纳社区学院's Health Sciences Building has risen on its construction site on Crested Iris Drive in the Brightwater Science and Technology Campus, 在Lillington. 工程预计将于5月完工. The 50,400平方英尺的设施将容纳护士助理等项目, 放血, EKG, 制药技术, 医疗协助, 物理治疗辅助, 专科护理. For more information about 推荐正规买球平台's continuing education and curriculum health care programs, 访问delcxy.ospifse.net


中央卡罗莱纳社区学院's Health Sciences Building has risen on its construction site on ... (more)

按此放大,  中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 Harnett County Provost Bill Tyson (center, 对)对一群人讲话 of college trustees and administrators and Harnett County officials during their Oct. 参观学院的健康科学大楼. 建筑, 位于光明水科技校区, 在Lillington, 计划在五月完成. It will then be equipped for state-of-the-art health care instruction. 参观设施的人中有(从左起), representing 推荐正规买球平台: Vice President of Institutional Advancement Celia Hurley, 受托人特雷西·汉纳(赫尔利身后), 理事克莱姆·麦德利, 教学执行副总裁丽莎·查普曼, Vice President of Economic and 社区 Development Pam Senegal (behind Chapman), TRIO Director Gerri Williams; and Harnett County Commissioner Beatrice Hill. 带领参观的是Scott Cooper(右)项目经理, 约翰·里夫斯(右), back), 总承包商Brasfield的施工主管 &amp; Gorrie. For more information about continuing education and curriculum health care programs at <a href='http://delcxy.ospifse.net'>推荐正规买球平台</a>, 访问其网站, delcxy.ospifse.net.


中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 Harnett County Provost Bill Tyson (center, 对)对一群人讲话 ... (more)

按此放大,  中央卡罗莱纳社区学院's Health Sciences Building has risen on its construction site on Crested Iris Drive in the Brightwater Science and Technology Campus, 在Lillington. 学院董事会成员, 学院管理员, and Harnett County officials were given a guided tour of the facility on Oct. 17. 导游是约翰·里夫斯(回来了), left), 施工负责人, 斯科特·库珀(不在照片中), 总承包商的项目经理, Brasfield &amp; Gorrie. 建筑 计划在五月完成 and will then be equipped for state-of-the-art health care instruction. For more information about continuing education and curriculum health care programs at <a href='http://delcxy.ospifse.net'>推荐正规买球平台</a>, 访问其网站, delcxy.ospifse.net.


中央卡罗莱纳社区学院's Health Sciences Building has risen on its construction site on ... (more)

按此放大,  中央卡罗莱纳社区学院's Health Sciences Building has risen on Crested Iris Drive in the Brightwater Science and Technology Campus, 在Lillington. 学院董事会成员, 学院管理员, and Harnett County officials were given a guided tour of the facility on Oct. 17. 带领参观的是斯科特·库珀(右), 项目经理, 还有约翰·里夫斯(回来了), right), 施工负责人, 对于总承包商, Brasfield &amp; Gorrie. 参观设施的人中有(从左起) 推荐正规买球平台 Trustee Doug Wilkinson Jr., Harnett County Commissioner Dan Andrews, Harnett County Manager Scott Sauer, Mrs. Joy Andrews和推荐正规买球平台受托人Bill Wilson Jr. 建筑 计划在五月完成 and will then be equipped for state-of-the-art health care instruction. For more information about continuing education and curriculum health care programs at <a href='http://delcxy.ospifse.net'>推荐正规买球平台</a>, 访问其网站, delcxy.ospifse.net.


中央卡罗莱纳社区学院's Health Sciences Building has risen on Crested Iris Drive in the ... (more)

10.22.2012College & 社区设施/建筑

LILLINGTON - 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院's Health Sciences Building, now under construction in the Brightwater Science and Technology Campus, 给大学和当地政府官员留下了深刻印象. 17人参观了该设施. They saw not only what it is - a building under construction, but also what it will be.

"I am really thankful to see this facility," said Harnett County Commissioner Beatrice Hill. 当了22年的专员, Hill has seen the county's growth and the increasing need for health care education and providers.

“我觉得县政府做得很好,”她说. "For Harnett County residents, this will mean education, training and employment."

The two-story, 50,400-square-foot concrete panel and steel building is located on 4.在冠鸢尾花大道上75英亩. The $8.2 million facility consists of a two-story main building connected by a vestibule to a one-story multipurpose building.

健康科学大楼大约完成了35%, 据斯科特·库珀说, 总承包商Brasfield的项目经理 & Gorrie. Construction work started in June and is expected to be complete by May 2013.

学院管理人员和董事会, as well as members of the Harnett County Board of Commissioners and Lillington Town Council, donned hard hats and reflective vests to tour the interior of the building. 库珀和约翰·里夫斯, 施工负责人, 带领参观者以小组形式参观设施.

Hallways and rooms are now delineated by what appears to be a maze of steel studs. 它们很快就会被墙壁覆盖,建成七个实验室, 一个图书馆, 一个礼堂, 10个教室, 10个办事处, 还有四个学生学习空间.

"It is absolutely spectacular, beautiful from top to bottom even under construction," said Dr. 中国交通运输协会主席马尚德. "The college is proud to partner with the county and the Harnett Forward Together Committee on this forward-thinking project that will benefit so many."

一旦物理设施完成, it will be furnished and equipped for state-of-the-art health care training. 该学院预计从2013年秋季开始在这里开设一些课程, 2014年春季开学.

建筑 will house 推荐正规买球平台 health care continuing education and curriculum programs such as nurse aide, 放血, EKG, 药学技术人员, 医疗协助, 物理治疗辅助, 及副学士护理学.

"The value this training facility is going to bring to Harnett County - not just the college, 几乎是无法估量的,克莱姆·麦德利说, 推荐正规买球平台受托人和哈内特县居民. "In just a few years, people will sit back and think what a great thing was done. 我们对此非常兴奋."

根据美国.S. 人口普查局, 邓恩小城市区, 包括整个哈内特县, 是全国发展最快的小城市地区吗. 在截至2011年7月的15个月期间, 人口增长了4%,578, 总数达到119人, 256. With population growth comes the need for education and health care providers to meet their needs.

In response, what the county commissioners are calling a "421 medical corridor" is being established. 推荐正规买球平台's Health Sciences Building is one of several medical-related facilities under construction or in planning along the corridor, 穿过利灵顿-邓恩地区.

That includes the 50-bed Harnett Health Central Campus Hospital, also in Brightwater. 它计划在大约三个月后开放. 这家医院未来可以扩大到150张病床. A cooperative agreement between the college and Harnett Health will enable students to do clinical training at the hospital. The Health Sciences Building will have space to provide continuing education programs for hospital workers.

Among the other health care providers along the corridor are Campbell University's School of Osteopathic Medicine, 东卡罗莱纳大学牙科中心, 首选社区健康中心, 好望角医院的精神病院, 和史密斯-帕克特养老院.

The medical providers and support businesses are expected to employ a couple thousand people within the next few years. 他们中的许多人将从大学的课程中毕业.

“中国交建的设施将成为走廊的支柱之一,哈尼特县县长斯科特·绍尔说. "The county board of commissioners envisions this facility as training highly skilled and qualified personnel to work in all these facilities."

The development team for the project is Red Rock Developments, BBH Design architects, and Brasfield & Gorrie. 结构型式为倾斜混凝土, in which the wall panels were cast in forms on the ground and lifted by a crane.

哈内特共同前进委员会, 一个私人, 促进县域及其发展的非营利组织, 拥有健康科学大楼所在的地产. 哈内特县有25年的租赁协议.

For more information about continuing education and curriculum health care programs at 推荐正规买球平台, 访问其网站, delcxy.ospifse.net.