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按此放大,  沙塔拉·法罗(左), 桑福德的, 她微笑着把球扔给萨凡纳·弗劳尔斯, as Zoey Davis (center) waits her turn during the Stevens Center&派对,绘画和游戏时间夏令营, 于六月及七月举行. Farrow is enrolled in 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院&我们的早期儿童教育计划. 她的 ‘儿童、家庭和社区’ class collaborated with nursing students from UNC-Chapel Hill to staff and plan activities for the Center’s summer camp for 2-to-4-year-olds and the Kids Can 连接 camp for 5-to-8-year-olds. Both camps included children with and without disabilities. The nursing students gained experience working in the community and the 推荐正规买球平台 students applied what they had learned in class about working with young children with and without disabilities, 个人或团体.


沙塔拉·法罗(左), 桑福德的, 她微笑着把球扔给萨凡纳·弗劳尔斯, as Zoey Davis ... (更多)

按此放大,  费伊·麦克莱恩(左), 桑福德的, assists Angelica Leake in playing with hoops during the Stevens Center&派对,绘画和游戏时间夏令营, 于六月及七月举行. McLean is enrolled in 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院&我们的早期儿童教育计划. 她的 ‘儿童、家庭和社区’ class collaborated with nursing students from UNC-Chapel Hill to staff and plan activities for the Center’s summer camp for 2-to-4-year-olds and the Kids Can 连接 camp for 5-to-8-year-olds. Both camps included children with and without disabilities. The nursing students gained experience working in the community and the 推荐正规买球平台 students applied what they had learned in class about working with young children with and without disabilities, 个人或团体.


费伊·麦克莱恩(左), 桑福德的, assists Angelica Leake in playing with hoops during the Stevens Center’s ... (更多)

按此放大,  Children participating in the Stevens Center&派对,绘画和游戏时间夏令营 enjoy running under a billowing parachute held by members of 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院&我们的早期儿童教育计划 and nursing students from UNC-Chapel Hill. The community college and university students collaborated to staff and plan activities for the Center’s summer camp for 2-to-4-year-olds and its Kids Can 连接 camp for 5-to-8-year-olds, 于六月及七月举行. Both camps included children with and without disabilities. The nursing students gained experience working in the community and the 推荐正规买球平台 students applied what they had learned in class about working with young children with and without disabilities, 个人或团体.


Children participating in the Stevens Center’s Party, Paint and Playtime summer camp enjoy running ... (更多)

按此放大,  Coloring becomes a fun joint effort as Mikayla Bray; Amanda Torres, 桑福德的, a 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 early childhood education student; and Kaycee Davis put their heads together. The activity was one of many during the Stevens Center&派对,绘画和游戏时间夏令营. 中卡罗莱纳C.C. early childhood students and UNC-Chapel Hill nursing students collaborated to staff and plan activities for the summer camp for 2-to-4-year-olds as well as the Kids Can 连接 camp for 5-to-8-year-olds, 都在六月和七月举行. Both camps included children with and without disabilities. The nursing students gained experience working in the community and the 推荐正规买球平台 students applied what they had learned in class about working with young children with and without disabilities, 个人或团体.


Coloring becomes a fun joint effort as Mikayla Bray; Amanda Torres, 桑福德的, a Central Carolina ... (更多)


SANFORD — 大学 student Lauren McLean watched with a smile as a group of 2-to-4-year-olds bent over their drawings, 热情上色.

“和他们一起工作是一件令人愉快的事情,” said the 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 student from Sanford. “I get to learn from the kids and they learn from me — it’s an interaction.”

McLean was one of 10 students in college instructor Anne Carver’s “Child, 家庭, and 社区” early childhood education class working with young children during the Stevens Center’s Party, Paint and Playtime summer camp during June and July.

中央卡罗莱纳C.C. students and nursing students from UNC-Chapel Hill collaborated on planning and putting on that summer camp as well as Kids Can 连接, 5到8岁孩子的夏令营, 也在中心举行. Both camps brought together children with and without disabilities.

The nursing students gained community public health experience; the community college students applied what they had learned in class about working with children with and without disabilities in the same group.

The mission of the Stevens Center is to provide inclusive opportunities for those with disabilities. UNC-Chapel Hill nursing students have done internships at the Center for the past three years, but the summer camps were the first collaborative projects. The Center has also worked with the human services program at the community college, but the summer camps were the first collaborations with the early childhood education program.

“I wanted to find volunteers that would benefit from working with the children and I thought of the early childhood education students,罗杰·贝利说, 史蒂文斯中心主任. “For me, success is measured in how people’s attitudes change about people with disabilities. One of the college students said that being part of this outreach helped her realize kids are just kids, 无论是否有残疾. 我一直很高兴.”

The two groups of students worked together to create a variety of activities, from coloring and reading to catching balls and balancing — activities that would enhance the skill levels of camp participants, 不管他们是否有残疾. 卡罗来纳中部的“音乐与运动”课程, 在南希·怀哲指导下, 为营地创建了一个活动笔记本. The notebook was donated to the Stevens Center for use with future children’s programs.

All the activities were planned to give the children opportunities to use both small and large muscle groups; interact with each other and play together; and — most important to the children — have fun.


“我喜欢和孩子们互动,莎塔拉·法罗说, 一位来自桑福德的中卡罗莱纳学生, 当她和两个新认识的年轻朋友扔球时. “I plan to be a teacher and I’m enjoying this experience.”

然后她又笑着说, “我下周再来, 在我自己的时间里, to volunteer at the Center because I’m enjoying it so much.”