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推荐正规买球平台, Chatham Library present children’s holiday theater

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11.29.2010Arts & EntertainmentCollege & Community

PITTSBORO — What happens when Santa puts coal in a naughty kid’s stocking? The kid heads to the North Pole and disguises himself as Santa to retaliate!

In the upcoming children’s one-act play, “Rough Night at the North Pole,” being mistaken for Santa leads the kid into more silly mischief than he bargained for.

Chatham Community Library offers a short holiday program for children starting 7 p.m. Friday, Dec. 17. The program includes the one-act play, performed by Central Carolina Community College acting students, as well as music and tricks by popular Pittsboro clown, “Ubi.” 

The program is free and takes place in the new library’s public meeting room on the college’s Chatham County Campus, 764 West St. Preregistration is required due to limited seating. For more information or to register by phone, call (919) 545-8085.