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按此放大,  The SanLee Middle School Stallionss team took home the Championship Cup and the Best Overall plaque from the 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 Robotics Competition, 11月举行. 20岁在大学’s李县校园. Pictured (from left) are team coach and SanLee science teacher Shannon Willaert; team members Jonah Elliott, 卡梅伦标志, 布兰登Donathan, 斯蒂芬·卡梅隆, 天使雷耶斯, 卡梅伦巷, Joseph Knight; and assistant coach Sarah Reed. Team members not pictured are David Perdrisat, Anthony Thompson and Devin Rudisill. 竞争的加剧, 由推荐正规买球平台共同主办, 学校社区, 和李县学校, 是混战吗 in preparation for the FIRST Lego League Tournament and was conducted by FLL rules. 西街和三街, 在桑福德, 以及来自Anne Chestnutt中学的两支队伍, 在费耶特维尔, competed in the scrimmage and will compete in the official 2010 FLL Tournament. The scrimmage and tournament require teams of students to do a presentation on a biomedical problem and then build and program a Lego robot to perform various biomedical tasks, 比如插入 &# 8216;支架’ in an &# 8216;动脉’ made of Legos.


The SanLee Middle School Stallionss team took home the Championship Cup and the Best Overall plaque ... (更多)

按此放大,  SanLee Middle School student Brandon Donathon (center) works with his team’s programmed Lego robot at 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院&# 8217; 11月. 20届学院机器人大赛’s李县校园. Teammate 斯蒂芬·卡梅隆 (left) watches as competition judges John Dills (center, 回来), 进步能源, 及董汉, EMC公司首席测试工程师, 做笔记. 竞争的加剧, 由推荐正规买球平台共同主办, 学校社区, 和李县学校, 是混战吗 in preparation for the FIRST Lego League Tournament and was conducted by FLL rules. 西街和三街, 在桑福德, 以及来自Anne Chestnutt中学的两支队伍, 在费耶特维尔, competed in the scrimmage and will compete in the official 2010 FLL Tournament. The scrimmage and tournament require teams of students to do a presentation on a biomedical problem and then build and program a Lego robot to perform various biomedical tasks, 比如插入 &# 8216;支架’ in an &# 8216;动脉’ made of Legos.


SanLee Middle School student Brandon Donathon (center) works with his team’s programmed Lego ... (更多)

按此放大,  West Lee Middle School Pride team members smile as they hold up their plaque for Best Design at the Nov. 20 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 Robotics Competition at the college’s李县校园. 图中(左起)是Griffin Belknap, 约瑟夫·威尔金斯, 丹尼斯Vielman, 雅各布·马什伯恩(前排), 艾琳Vallancourt, 丽贝卡·拉森. Team members not pictured are Tiffany Vielman, Patrick Yarnell, Gavyn Hatley, and Jonathan Payares. 竞争的加剧, 由推荐正规买球平台共同主办, 学校社区, 和李县学校, 是混战吗 in preparation for the FIRST Lego League Tournament and was conducted by FLL rules. 西街和三街, 在桑福德, 以及来自Anne Chestnutt中学的两支队伍, 在费耶特维尔, competed in the scrimmage and will compete in the official 2010 FLL Tournament. The scrimmage and tournament require teams of students to do a presentation on a biomedical problem and then build and program a Lego robot to perform various biomedical tasks, 比如插入 &# 8216;支架’ in an &# 8216;动脉’ made of Legos.


West Lee Middle School Pride team members smile as they hold up their plaque for Best Design at the ... (更多)

按此放大,  丹尼斯Vielman (left), of West lee Middle School’s Pride团队,控制团队’s Lego robot while teammate Jacob Marshburn (right) encourages him during the Nov. 20 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 Robotics Competition at the college’s李县校园. 观察动作就是竞争’s lead judge Don Hon (standing, center), EMC公司首席测试工程师. 西李团队的机器人获得了最佳设计奖. 竞争的加剧, 由推荐正规买球平台共同主办, 学校社区, 和李县学校, 是混战吗 in preparation for the FIRST Lego League Tournament and was conducted by FLL rules. 西街和三街, 在桑福德, 以及来自Anne Chestnutt中学的两支队伍, 在费耶特维尔, competed in the scrimmage and will compete in the official 2010 FLL Tournament. The scrimmage and tournament require teams of students to do a presentation on a biomedical problem and then build and program a Lego robot to perform various biomedical tasks, 比如插入 &# 8216;支架’ in an &# 8216;动脉’ made of Legos.


丹尼斯Vielman (left), of West lee Middle School’s Pride team, controls the team’s Lego ... (更多)

11.29.2010俱乐部大学 & 社区学生/毕业生

&桑福德-“感觉棒极了,约拿·艾略特说, as he and his SanLee Middle School teammates held up their Champion’s Cup and Best Overall Award plaque.

The SanLee Stallionss robot building team had just won the 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 Robotics Competition, 11月举行. 在学院的李县校区.

三里中学和西李中学的队伍, 在桑福德, 和安妮切斯特纳特中学, 在费耶特维尔, had spent months in study and hands-on learning for this competition. All are preparing for the upcoming FIRST Lego League Tournament.

FIRST (基金会 for the Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) is an international nonprofit organization that works with the Lego Corporation on robotics competitions to interest young people in math, 科学技术.

本地机器人比赛, 由学院共同主办, 李县学校社区, 和李县学校, 是混战吗, an opportunity for the local teams to compete with their robots before the FLL tournament.

“竞争的加剧 encourages students to continue with their STEM (science, 技术, 工程和数学)研究,弗吉尼亚·布朗说, 竞赛协调员和推荐正规买球平台职业/技术联络员. “学院是我们社区的高科技资源中心. The Robotics Competition is another of our community STEM-related programs for young people, 比如我们的周末工作坊和夏令营.”

For the 2010 scrimmage and FLL Tournament “Body Forward Challenge,” teams of students explored the world of biomedical engineering and built and programmed Lego Mindstorms robots to carry out simulations of biomedical procedures. This included programming the robots to carry out tasks 比如插入 “stent” in a plastic “artery”; placing a Lego “patch” on a “heart”; repairing a broken plastic “bone” with a Lego “cast”; and placing a Lego “pacemaker” into a “heart.”

Preparation for the scrimmage and the FLL Tournament was a voluntary, 老师/教练与学生的课后活动. 他们花了几个月的时间研究生物医学挑战, 准备演讲, 构建和编程机器人, 和他们一起练习任务.

“I want my students to have fun learning,” said SanLee science teacher Shannon Willaert. “他们喜欢这样做. 工程概念就在那里, 他们还交了朋友, 学会解决问题的能力, 学会了团队合作, 并发现解决问题的方法有很多.”

The West Lee Pride team cheered when it was announced that they won the Best Design Award for their robot. 肖恩特亚·海耶斯教练, 教STEM的老师, said her students have been involved with the extra-curricular activity since September.

“很有趣,”西李团队的约瑟夫·威尔金斯(约瑟夫·威尔金斯)说. “我们要做各种有趣的事情.”

The Chestnutt School Fire Starz team received the Best Teamwork plaque and the school’s Allstar Hornets received the Best Presentation plaque.

Don Hon, EMC公司首席测试工程师, was the lead judge. He has been involved with the competition since it started in 2007.

“The Robotics Competition teaches kids how their math and science apply to everyday things they possess, 像乐高,他说. “It motivates them to use the knowledge they gain for other things than building blocks. 这是一项很棒的活动.”

比赛的其他评委有:约翰·迪尔斯, manager of Operations for Progress Energy; Tony Reece, Instrumentation and Control technician for Progress Energy; Ray Dawson, Senior Training Professional for Pfizer; and Laurie Lympany, 中交所工程技术招聘人员.

Jonah Elliott didn’t just have a great time preparing for and taking part in the competition. It fit in with his future career goal to be an engineer — maybe even a Lego designer. Someday, one of his designs might be part of a FIRST Lego Tournament.

Steve Lympany, chairman of 推荐正规买球平台’s Engineering Technology Department, smiled when he heard that.

“这场比赛很棒,”他说. “孩子们看到了科学和技术的真谛. 我从他们的创造力中得到了乐趣. 我们未来的工程师就在这里.”

For more information about Central Carolina’s electronics engineering 技术 degree and electronics 技术 certificate programs, 访问学院的网站, www.预备.edu,或致电(919)718-7331. 更多关于第一乐高联盟,请访问 www.firstLegoleague.org.