
推荐正规买球平台 launches Center for Creative Retirement

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按此放大,     Mature community members in a Central Carolina 社区 大学 继续教育 painting class enjoy learning new skills and gaining personal enrichment. Classes geared to those near or in retirement will expand as the college launches its new Center for Creative Retirement to promote life-long learning. The kickoff event takes place from 10 a.m. 9月11日(星期三)中午. 8、在丹尼斯饭店. 纳什街1801号柳条市民中心.桑福德,. 类类型的示例, seminars and activities available through the Center will be featured. 娱乐 and light refreshments will be provided. For more information about the Center’s programs, come to the kickoff. Information is also available at the college’s网站:www.预备.edu/ccr  or at the 继续教育 Department offices: Chatham County, (919) 545-8025, 哈尼特县, (910) 814-8823, 或李县, (919) 775-2122, ext. 7793.


Mature community members in a Central Carolina 社区 大学 继续教育 painting ... (更多)

09.03.2010艺术 & 娱乐大学 & 社区继续教育

SANFORD — Retirement is about to become more enjoyable and interesting with the launch of Central Carolina 社区 大学’s new Center for Creative Retirement.&,

CCR, operated through the college's Department of 继续教育, is dedicated to promoting life-long learning through programs, classes and activities for those in a stage of retirement.&,

“Retirement has a different meaning in the new economy,斯特尔芬妮·威廉姆斯说, the college’s vice-president for Economic and 社区 Development. “There is no specific retirement age or lifestyle. People are working longer and seeking intellectual engagement throughout the course of life. CCR is about cultivating quality of life for those in or considering active retirement.”

Some offerings will overlap with the college’s traditional enrichment courses, 她说, but the CCR will also incorporate some vocational-related offerings. It will also work collaboratively with local partner 机构 that serve retirees and seniors.

The Center for Creative Retirement kicks off with a special event from 10 a.m. 9月11日(星期三)中午. 8、在丹尼斯饭店. 柳条文娱中心. The kickoff will offer samples of the types of classes, seminars and activities available through the Center.

An informal meet-and-greet will be followed by a brief presentation on the history of Lee County by local photographer and historian Jimmy Haire, an overview of an upcoming spring wine tour by Dawn Nestor, and a presentation on financial literacy by certified financial planner Dargan Moore.

The keynote presenter for the kickoff will be Cindy Horrell Ramsey, 推荐正规买球平台 Lee County director of 继续教育. 她将谈论她的书, "A 北卡罗莱纳 Icon Brought to Life: Sea Stories of Sailors Aboard the U.S.S. 北卡罗莱纳." &,

Vonda赖夫, winner of the 2009 Lee County Idol competition, will provide entertainment for the event. Light refreshments will be served.

“Central Carolina 社区 大学 is here to serve all segments of the community,” said 推荐正规买球平台 President Bud Marchant. “Retirees and those approaching retirement have always enjoyed the variety of courses we have offered, from curriculum to personal enrichment. This Center will provide an opportunity to focus on classes and activities of particular interest to the many retirees and near-retirees in our community.”

The Center will offer programs at the college’s campuses in Chatham, 哈内特和李县, as well as at the college’s Lifelong Learning Center at the W.B. Wicker Business Campus in Sanford.
Classes already scheduled include “Second Blooming for Women: Growing a Life That Matters After Fifty,” “Memories that Matter: Enriching Memoir,“太极养生。,和油画, 花的设计, 编织篮子. 上课要收费.

The Center will also offer free seminars on a variety of topics of interest to retirees or those planning for retirement: “Prepare for Retirement and Beyond,”“金融知识,” “Poor Richard's Guide to Health and Fitness,和《正规买球app十佳排行》.”

A Wine Tour is planned for the spring.&,

“现在, the Center is actually an institute model with series of courses offered, but the designation of ‘Center’ is with an eye for growth and establishment in a college facility as the offerings expand,威廉姆斯说. ”, the programs hope to center on the needs of businesses, 机构, and individuals with an interest in retirement. Much of the impetus for activities will come from those who participate.”

For more information about Center programs, come to the kickoff. Information is also available at the college’s Web site: www.预备.edu/ccr or any of the offices of the 继续教育 Department: Chatham County, (919) 545-8025, 哈尼特县, (910) 814-8823, 或李县, (919) 775-2122, ext. 7793.