College News

推荐正规买球平台 Foundation honors donors, scholarship recipients

Click to enlarge,  捐赠者和奖学金获得者聚集在中央卡罗莱纳社区学院基金会奖学金午宴上, which was held on Wednesday, Nov. 15, at the Dennis A. Wicker Civic & Conference Center.

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捐赠者和奖学金获得者聚集在一起为中央卡罗莱纳社区学院基金会奖学金 ... (more)

Click to enlarge,  Don Schwenneker (at podium), Chief Meteorologist at WTVD ABC11 television, 曾担任中央卡罗来纳社区学院基金会奖学金午宴的司仪. 此外,推荐正规买球平台基金会主席Tana Boerger和Dr. Emily C. Hare, Executive Director of the 推荐正规买球平台 Foundation.

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Don Schwenneker (at podium), Chief Meteorologist at WTVD ABC11 television, served as Master of Ceremonies ... (more)

Click to enlarge,  周三,奖学金获得者在中央卡罗莱纳社区学院基金会奖学金午宴上发言, Nov. 15, at the Dennis A. Wicker Civic & Conference Center were, left to right: Kendal Gaines, Aidan Dorman, Reid Thomas, and Aisha Nettles.

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奖学金获得者在中央卡罗莱纳社区学院基金会奖学金午宴上发言 ... (more)

11.20.2023College & CommunityCollege GeneralFoundation

桑福德——周三,在中央卡罗莱纳社区学院基金会奖学金午宴上,捐赠者和奖学金获得者得到了表彰, Nov. 15, at the Dennis A. Wicker Civic & Conference Center.

这次活动的司仪是Don Schwenneker“Big Weather”, Chief Meteorologist at WTVD ABC11 television.

Schwenneker spoke of his experiences as a meteorologist. “这些预报和天气结果创造了一些令人难以置信的故事, especially in the aftermath of tough storms like hurricanes. 这些故事讲述的是那些在这些时期挺身而出,为我们的世界和社区做出真正改变的不可思议的人," he said. "I have learned valuable lessons from them and others, 我一直在努力工作,通过我在节目中讲故事的方式,把这些经验传授给我们的观众. 讲故事创造了变化,改善了生活,提供了信息或仅仅是娱乐.

"One thing I have learned is that these stories, no matter how complete they may seem, can continue to evolve. The 'what' may not change, 但也许“谁”或“为什么”在一段时间后会有所不同," said Schwenneker. "Stories are constantly evolving, 这就是你们今天将要听到的故事所传达的真实信息. 关于那些选择采取行动改变自己命运的人的故事 ... 这一行动在所有情况下都与我们社区的学院——中央卡罗莱纳社区学院有关."

Guest speakers, with their areas of study, 是奖学金获得者肯德尔·盖恩斯(通用职业技术- PTA), Aidan Dorman (Building Construction Technology), Reid Thomas (Basic Law Enforcement Training), and Aisha Nettles (Laser & Photonics Technology).

盖恩斯是推荐正规买球平台的第一年,也是排球队的一员. "I would consider myself blessed beyond measure," said Gaines, 她谈到基金会的财务支持如何让她专注于对她重要的事情. 她和其他几个人一起在学校成立了基督教运动员联谊会. "The study we are in right now is called 'Something Greater.“它讲述了你在这里不仅仅是一场意外, but it was planned a long time ago," she said. “每件事都是为了一定的目的而计划和完成的,基金会已经成为许多学生故事的一部分,并使他们成为更伟大的人。."

Dorman began by saying, "I want to thank all scholarship donors. It wouldn't be possible without you today.这位建筑技术专业的学生说,他最大的目标之一是获得学位,这样他就可以帮助需要住房的退伍军人,并为他们建造住房. "To end my speech today, 我想说的是,不要把注意力集中在更大的画面上,不要被你可能为了实现目标而不得不做的所有改变所淹没, 但要把注意力集中在你为实现目标所做的所有正确的改变上."

托马斯谈到了成为推荐正规买球平台学生的经济挑战,以及大学官员和基金会的支持,使他能够上学. “在基础执法培训之后,我希望能对人们付出更多的关心和努力. Over time, 我找到了一种职业生活,它提供了一种至高无上的意义和高度, 崇高的责任即使不是人生最高的目标,也是人生最高的目标之一," he said. "The Foundation allows me to pursue a career in law enforcement, specifically with the State Bureau of Investigation.他补充说,他希望为别人而活,因为他的生活不是为自己的利益,而是为别人而活.

net荨麻谈到了她的教育之旅,其中包括回到推荐正规买球平台学习激光 & Photonics Technology. 她指出,她获得的各种奖学金使她能够上大学. "We as students are dreaming of a bright future, 但有时需要一点额外的帮助来实现我们的梦想," said Nettles. "All this is because of you - the donors. 把你们的心奉献给学校,确保像我这样的学生有机会成为更好的自己, to prove that the impossible is possible, and to know someone somewhere who cares. That makes a world of difference and is never forgotten. Thank you!"

中国中交基金会董事会主席Tana Boerger致欢迎辞. “今天是关于预测未来,以及我们的学生如何改变他们自己的个人天气预报的故事," said Boerger. “感谢今天在座的所有捐款者,你们为我们学生的生活投资,帮助他们预测和准备未来."

推荐正规买球平台基金会教职员工代表Steve Heesacker祈愿.


For downloadable photos from the event, visit:

推荐正规买球平台基金会是一家501(c)(3)慈善组织, but independent of, Central Carolina Community College. 它代表推荐正规买球平台接受捐款和设备,并将其用于促进学院的教育使命,并通过奖学金和助学金帮助学生.

“这一天对我们的学生来说意义重大,如果没有你们的慷慨和支持,他们就不会实现自己的梦想. 你们每个人不仅在帮助改变我们学生的生活, but you are also bettering the communities in which we live," said Dr. Emily C. Hare, Executive Director of the 推荐正规买球平台 Foundation.

有关向基金会捐款或其筹款活动的信息,请联系. Emily C. 推荐正规买球平台基金会执行董事,电话:919-718-7230或