
推荐正规买球平台 spring graduates celebrate big day

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按此放大,  5月11日,中央卡罗莱纳社区学院(Central Carolina 社区 大学)在Dennis A. 柳条公民 & 桑福德的会议中心.


中央卡罗莱纳社区学院作为学校庆祝了2023届毕业生的成就 ... (更多)

按此放大,  2023届毕业典礼约有872名学生参加,其中包括344名秋季毕业生,他们预计将获得1030份证书(副学士学位), 文凭, 和证书).


2023届毕业典礼约有872名学生,其中包括344名毕业生 ... (更多)

按此放大,  During the first graduation 仪式 of the day, Phillip J. 5月11日,布拉德利(中)在丹尼斯·A·霍普金斯大学第61届毕业典礼上被授予荣誉学位. 柳条公民 & 桑福德的会议中心.. 受托人L.W. “鲍比”鲍威尔(Bobby 鲍威尔)指出,特朗普是美国总统. Bradley was an original member of the 推荐正规买球平台 基金会 Board established in 1988. 在这里,先生. Bradley is pictured with Julian Philpott (left), Chair of the 推荐正规买球平台 Board of Trustees; and Dr. 莉莎米. 中国商会会长查普曼(右).


During the first graduation 仪式 of the day, Phillip J. Bradley (center) was awarded an honorary ... (更多)

点击放大. 莉莎米. 查普曼, Central Carolina 社区 大学 President, speaks to graduates at the 61st Commencement Exercises on May 11 at the Dennis A. 柳条公民 & 桑福德的会议中心.


Dr. 莉莎米. 查普曼, Central Carolina 社区 大学 President, speaks to graduates at the 61st ... (更多)

按此放大,  百老汇的卡蒂里亚·德尔加多·阿塞韦多在上午9点对中央卡罗莱纳社区学院的毕业生发表了讲话.m. 程序. The 推荐正规买球平台 61st Commencement Exercises was held May 11 at the Dennis A. 柳条公民 & 桑福德的会议中心.


百老汇的卡蒂里亚·德尔加多·阿塞韦多在9点对中央卡罗莱纳社区学院的毕业生发表了讲话 ... (更多)

按此放大,  Linda Ellison of Sanford spoke to Central Carolina 社区 大学 graduates at the 9 a.m. 程序. The 推荐正规买球平台 61st Commencement Exercises was held May 11 at the Dennis A. 柳条公民 & 桑福德的会议中心.


Linda Ellison of Sanford spoke to Central Carolina 社区 大学 graduates at the 9 a.m. 程序. ... (更多)

按此放大,  克里斯汀•哈特 of Sanford spoke to Central Carolina 社区 大学 graduates at the 11 a.m. 程序. The 推荐正规买球平台 61st Commencement Exercises was held May 11 at the Dennis A. 柳条公民 & 桑福德的会议中心.


克里斯汀•哈特 of Sanford spoke to Central Carolina 社区 大学 graduates at the 11 a.m. 程序. ... (更多)

按此放大,  百老汇的西德尼·希克曼在11点对中央卡罗莱纳社区学院的毕业生发表了讲话.m. 程序. The 推荐正规买球平台 61st Commencement Exercises was held May 11 at the Dennis A. 柳条公民 & 桑福德的会议中心.


百老汇的西德尼·希克曼在11点对中央卡罗莱纳社区学院的毕业生发表了讲话.m. 程序. ... (更多)

按此放大,  Cameron的Tina Riley(生物工艺技术应用科学副学士)是辉瑞公司的生物技术专家. "So what's next for us as we have achieved this important goal in our lives? 不管接下来发生什么, one thing should be certain: never stop learning, and never think that you are at the end of your journey, for this is just another beginning," she said.


Cameron的Tina Riley(生物工艺技术应用科学副学士)是一名生物技术专业的学生 ... (更多)

按此放大,  Jessica Webb of Cameron spoke to Central Carolina 社区 大学 graduates at the 2 p.m. 程序. The 推荐正规买球平台 61st Commencement Exercises was held May 11 at the Dennis A. 柳条公民 & 桑福德的会议中心.


Jessica Webb of Cameron spoke to Central Carolina 社区 大学 graduates at the 2 p.m. 程序. ... (更多)

05.12.2023大学 & 社区大学一般毕业典礼 学生/毕业生

桑福德,N.C. 5月11日,中央卡罗莱纳社区学院在Dennis A .体育馆举行了第61届毕业典礼,庆祝2023届毕业生取得的成就. 柳条公民 & 桑福德的会议中心.

The graduating students entered the main hall to the skirl of a bagpipe, a 推荐正规买球平台 tradition.

推荐正规买球平台总裁博士. 莉莎米. 查普曼在致辞中说:“毕业代表着学院所有部门和毕业生努力的高潮, which makes it one of the most exciting days of our academic calendar. 毕业生, 受托人, 政府, 工作人员, 教师, 我想对你们每一个人所取得的成就表示衷心和自豪的祝贺. We are honored to join you today as we celebrate your achievements.

“我们的社区为推荐正规买球平台感到骄傲,因为我们的毕业生代表了我们,我们在查塔姆享有对学院的尊重, 哈尼特, 李县及其他地区. 我知道你们将延续这一传统,我要感谢你们作为学生代表美洲狮之国,也感谢你们作为校友继续代表我们,”医生说。. 查普曼.

“这是一个非常激动人心的时刻,成为大学大家庭的一员,我们地区的经济增长和就业机会. 你们坚持不懈地度过了一些充满挑战的时期,确保了家庭和社区的成功,你们能走到这一步是值得赞扬的——我为你们感到骄傲,为担任你们的总统感到荣幸,”医生说。. 查普曼.

2023届毕业典礼约有872名学生参加,其中包括344名秋季毕业生,他们预计将获得1030份证书(副学士学位), 文凭, 和证书). Three commencement exercises, at 9 a.m., 11 a.m.,和2p.m., were held to accommodate the number of graduates.

Melissa Fogarty, 推荐正规买球平台 Faculty Member of the Year, was Chief Marshal and Mace Bearer.

During the first graduation 仪式 of the day, Phillip J. Bradley was awarded an honorary degree. 受托人L.W. “鲍比”鲍威尔(Bobby 鲍威尔)指出,特朗普是美国总统. Bradley was an original member of the 推荐正规买球平台 基金会 Board established in 1988. "A strong supporter of the college and its mission, Phil was the founder of the 推荐正规买球平台 基金会 Golf Classic, the 基金会's largest fundraiser annually,”先生说。. 鲍威尔. "Mr. Bradley was an outstanding board member who gave of his time, 才能和自己的钱,以确保推荐正规买球平台的学生得到他们成功所需的经济援助." Mr. Bradley is only the second person to be awarded an honorary degree in the history of 推荐正规买球平台.

Students presenting Commencement Addresses were:

百老汇的Katiria Delgado Acevedo(护理应用科学副学士)已获得Rex医院的护士研究生住院医师资格,并将继续她的旅程,成为ICU的心胸专科护士. "Now it's time to begin the next part of our journey keeping in mind the why, keeping in mind that it is not impossible, 这将会很困难, 我们一定会成功,她说.

桑福德大学的琳达·埃里森(人类服务技术药物滥用专业应用科学副学士)在一家无家可归者收容所做个案工作者. "My journey here at 推荐正规买球平台 is not over yet. I am coming back to take some classes. 所以今天对我们任何人来说都不是结束,而是更光明未来的开始。.

桑福德大学的克里斯汀·哈特(艺术副学士)打算转到贝尔维尤大学学习卫生保健管理. "We all have our journeys that brought us to this finish line, and I want to thank you for allowing me to share mine with you today. 人生的最后一课——保持谦虚和善良,经常笑,最重要的是,享受你的旅程。.

百老汇的悉尼·希克曼(理学副学士)将前往北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校学习天体物理学. "We must not balk at the challenges ahead, for they are bound to be numerous, 相反,把它们看作是可以克服的障碍,可以激励我们继续朝着最好的自己努力,她说.

Cameron的Tina Riley(生物工艺技术应用科学副学士)是辉瑞公司的生物技术专家. "So what's next for us as we have achieved this important goal in our lives? 不管接下来发生什么, one thing should be certain: never stop learning, and never think that you are at the end of your journey, for this is just another beginning,她说.

卡梅隆的杰西卡·韦伯(建筑施工技术应用科学副学士)正在与南方能源管理公司合作,帮助房屋建筑商建造更节能的房屋. "All of our paths will forever be changing with the world, so there will always be more to learn and strive to achieve,她说. "Always remember the world is forever changing, but its need for us is never changing!"

Presenting the graduates were Dr. Kristi Short, Vice President/Chief Academic Officer.

推荐正规买球平台校董会主席Julian Philpott于上午9点颁发文凭.m. 11a.m. ceremonies, and by George Lucier, Vice Chair of the 推荐正规买球平台 Board of Trustees, at the 2 p.m. 仪式.

The Lee County High School JROTC Color Guard had the Presentation of Colors.

Music was provided by: Violins - Ken Hoyle, Samantha Lane; Viola - Karen Huey; Guitar - David Watson; Clarinet - Lauren Winkens; Cello - Alyson Cochrane; Vocalist - Jordan Watson; Pianist - Carol Troutman; Piper - Peter McArthur.

Providing the invocation during the ceremonies were the Rev. 圣. 路加联合卫理公会教堂, Pastor Bruce Petty of Trinity United Methodist Church, and Pastor Eddie Thomas of Juniper Springs Baptist Church.

Dr. Jon Matthews, 推荐正规买球平台 哈尼特 Provost, presented special awards.

During the graduation exercises, students with highest academic honors were recognized. 早上9点.m., Associate Level -- Savannah Morgan Mills (Cosmetology), Allyson Nicole Tart (Cosmetology), Lindsay Anne Seitz (Medical Assisting), Faith-Renee Foster-Hutchins (Veterinary Medical Technology); Diploma Level -- Kayla Lee (Cosmetology). 上午11点.m., Associate Level - Kimberly Itzel Gabriel Dias (Associate in 艺术), Valerie Hope Nunn (Associate in 艺术), 凯拉集中政策 (Associate in 艺术), Aine Carolina Sotillo (Associate in 艺术 and Associate in Science), Emma Katherin Whiteman (Associate in 艺术), Katherine Marie Shearin (Associate in Science), Jackie Lennia Vollbracht (Associate in Science); Diploma Level - 卡莉·克拉珀 (Early Childhood Education). 下午两点.m.副学士-罗纳德A. Whilden (Broadcasting Production Technology), Matthew Allen Sutter (Information Technology), Holly Patterson (Paralegal Technology); Heather M. Taylor (Sustainable Agriculture); Diploma Level - Krisztina Polyak (图书馆 and Information Technology).

Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society graduates were also recognized at each commencement. 早上9点.m., Kira Barringer, Gretchen Gunter, Alyssa McWhirter, Barbara Taylor, and Jerry Tyson. 上午11点.m., 特丽莎Arvind, Anasia贝尔, Aniya贝尔, 纳塔莉亚Brocious, 盖尔·卡布雷拉·里维拉, 卡莉·克拉珀, Mamudu科尔, 维维安·柯林斯, Makenzie考克斯, 拉娜法拉, 奥利维亚·菲利斯, 金伯利·加布里埃尔·迪亚斯, 麦迪逊盖恩斯, Willoh哈迪, 克里斯汀•哈特, 悉尼Hickman, 威廉Isgett, 罗莎芭·詹姆斯·塔皮亚, 切斯利·约翰逊, 利亚琼斯, 詹姆斯·基斯, 约书亚肯尼迪, 迪伦王, Alexzondria定位, 班尼特拉萨特, 李教授, 狱卒莱姆斯·赫尔塔多, 科林•麦克丹尼尔, 阿里尔麦克费登, Lorrell麦克尼尔, 夏绿蒂莫里, 瓦莱丽·纳恩, 凯拉集中政策, 布兰登·菲利普斯, 阿什利上货速度, 艾米丽·史密斯, 皇家Sotillo, 埃文·斯塔克, 杰奎琳Tamayao, Mackenzie泰勒, 科里Vanderroest, 杰基Vollbracht, 和Cassandra Zehner. 下午两点.m., 威廉•弗格森, 伊恩·弗莱, 阿曼达·艾维, 杰克逊开啦, 爱德华·贾昆·佩雷斯, 罗宾·凯恩, 莎拉Lawter, 计林德利, 阿比盖尔穆勒, 布鲁克Reberger, 奥斯汀Rigsbee, 詹尼弗莱利, 玛丽安娜·桑蒂兰·埃斯皮诺, 凯尔国, 布丽安娜Vandewalker, 和Michaela Wilson.

同样在毕业典礼上受到表彰的还有推荐正规买球平台退休教师Janet Zurbach和Dave Myers.

Following each commencement exercise, family and friends gathered to take pictures of their graduate's special day.

Pictures from the commencement exercises can be downloaded at www.预备.edu/slideshows. The ceremonies can be viewed at www.4 cnclive.Com“点播”."

有关中央卡罗莱纳社区学院及其课程的信息,请访问其网站, www.预备.edu.