
推荐正规买球平台 salutes alumnus E. 尤金·摩尔 with naming of future E. 尤金·摩尔 Manufacturing and Biotech Solutions Center

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Click to enlarge,  Central Carolina 社区 大学 alumnus E. 尤金·摩尔 (left) is being recognized for his $2 million gift to his alma mater with the naming of the future E. 尤金·摩尔 Manufacturing and Biotech Solutions Center in his honor. Pictured with 摩尔 are, left to right: his wife, Ruby; 推荐正规买球平台 基金会 Board Chair Lynda Turbeville; 中国中交会会长杨志强博士. 莉莎米. 查普曼.

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Central Carolina 社区 大学 alumnus E. 尤金·摩尔 (left) is being recognized for his $2 million ... (更多)

Click to enlarge,  Central Carolina 社区 大学 alumnus E. 尤金·摩尔 is being recognized for his $2 million gift to his alma mater with the naming of the future E. 尤金·摩尔 Manufacturing and Biotech Solutions Center in his honor. Here, 摩尔 is pictured in front of the future Center.

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Central Carolina 社区 大学 alumnus E. 尤金·摩尔 is being recognized for his $2 million ... (更多)

Click to enlarge,  Central Carolina 社区 大学 alumnus E. 尤金·摩尔 is being recognized for his $2 million gift to his alma mater with the naming of the future E. 尤金·摩尔 Manufacturing and Biotech Solutions Center in his honor. Pictured are, left to right: Nicole Allen (摩尔's daughter); E. 尤金·摩尔, 莫妮卡普维斯 (摩尔's daughter), Ruby 摩尔 (摩尔's wife), Chad 摩尔 (摩尔's son), 推荐正规买球平台 基金会 Board Chair Lynda Turbeville, 中国中交会会长杨志强博士. 莉莎米. 查普曼.

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Central Carolina 社区 大学 alumnus E. 尤金·摩尔 is being recognized for his $2 million ... (更多)

01.26.2022大学 & 社区大学一般基金会

桑福德,N.C. - Central Carolina 社区 大学 alumnus E. 尤金·摩尔 is being recognized for his $2 million gift to his alma mater with the naming of the future E. 尤金·摩尔 Manufacturing and Biotech Solutions Center in his honor. The Center will be located at the former Magneti Marelli facility.

摩尔, who grew up in Bear Creek and currently lives in Sanford, is Chief Executive Officer of Bear Creek Arsenal (BCA) - an international company located in Sanford which has customers in all 50 states and other countries as well.

"Mr. 摩尔, a 推荐正规买球平台 alumnus, is a model of generosity. His gift will support many scholarships, the purchase of additional state-of-the art equipment, and an endowed faculty position (the first at 推荐正规买球平台) -- the complete package necessary to ensure more students successfully complete their educational goals," said 推荐正规买球平台 President Dr. 莉莎米. 查普曼.

此外,奥巴马先生. 摩尔's donation will also help with the necessary redesign of E. 尤金·摩尔 Manufacturing and Biotech Solutions Center. This Center will enhance our response to expanding and relocating company needs -- whether it's customized training, general educational programming, 临时工作空间, 或者其他资源, E. 尤金·摩尔 Center will be the regional hub," said Dr. 查普曼. ”因此,. 摩尔's donation will not only provide opportunities for many of our local residents, it will also help sustain Lee County's exceptional economic growth. 多么伟大的遗产啊!"

H. 小朱利安·菲尔波特., Chairman of the 推荐正规买球平台 Board of Trustees, noted: "Mr. 摩尔 is a wonderful example of a person who took supreme advantage of his education and training from 推荐正规买球平台 and turned it into a highly successful business and manufacturing career. His most generous gift to the 推荐正规买球平台 基金会 is a wonderful investment in the 大学 that will assist students in accessing outstanding educational opportunities and reaching their career goals. His donation will help 推荐正规买球平台, 我们的学生, and our industries obtain maximum educational and training benefit from E. 尤金·摩尔 Manufacturing and Biotech Solutions Center, the new name for the former Magneti Marelli property that our Lee County Commissioners generously acquired for the benefit of the 大学.

“我们觉得E. 尤金·摩尔 Manufacturing and Biotech Solutions Center will be an exceptional driver of economic growth in Lee County and our service area for years to come. We are grateful for Mr. 摩尔's generous donation that will help students' educational and career dreams become realities,菲尔波特说.

摩尔 became a 推荐正规买球平台 student in Fall 1969, as soon as his tour in Vietnam with SeaBee Team 0914 ended. "The school was a lot smaller than it is now,摩尔说。, who studied Tool and Die Making when the school was known as Central Carolina Technical Institute. "The teachers were all very good and very interested in helping the students learn."

摩尔 remembers school personnel Ray Epley, Robert Brown, Jerry Stevens, and Percy West. "Fellow students were all very nice,摩尔说。. "It had a very 'community' feeling."

摩尔 credits his 推荐正规买球平台 education as being beneficial for his career. “CCTI, as it was called back then, gave both hands-on experience in the shop area and classroom studies that complemented the shop area,摩尔说。. "The classroom covered areas like drawings, 阅读蓝图, 冶金, which has been very helpful and areas that would have taken much longer to acquire this knowledge without the formal education."

摩尔, who graduated in Spring 1971, then started his business - originally a two-person operation doing repair work.

From there, his business expanded.

  • 1984年至2015年, his business did subcontracting machining for a global off-highway system group, manufacturing components that supplied equipment to off-highway construction and mining work. Some of the components were on equipment two miles underground in diamond mines - and 摩尔's business was the only company in the world manufacturing these parts.
  • 1986年至2015年, his business did subcontract machining for an international automotive company that supplied finished assemblies to the automotive manufacturers, being able to supply over 400,000 parts a week as needed.
  • 1989年至2005年, his business supplied painted and machined parts to an international company that markets and sells power tools. For over 10 years, 摩尔's business was the largest supplier to a 2,300-person assembly plant.

"It has always been our desire to have our own product. 多年来, we manufactured parts/equipment with other companies' names on the product,摩尔说。, adding that BCA was formed in 2013 using the personnel and equipment that had been used in 摩尔's Machine Company Inc. to make this dream become a reality.

BCA grew from 300 employees in January 2019 to as many as 762 employees in 2020 and 2021.

摩尔 attributes the success of his company to good people. "It always comes back to good people,摩尔说。. "Three main areas make up a good company - good people, good facility, and good customers. As long as BCA keeps good people, BCA will meet the challenges of our ever-changing world,摩尔说。.

"Having good people allowed us to grow the capabilities of our facility and as we grow our facility, we are able to add more people. As we add better people, we are able to grow and increase our customer base,摩尔说。.

摩尔 and his wife Ruby have three children - Chad 摩尔, 莫妮卡普维斯, 和妮可·艾伦, and eight grandchildren - Meg, 塔克, 美女, 芬恩, 蒙哥马利, 奥利弗, 哈泼·李, 和Glosson.

"Sanford is experiencing a period of unprecedented economic growth. Excellent opportunities are arriving for high-paying technical careers," said Lynda Turbeville, 推荐正规买球平台 基金会 Board Chair.

"The impact of the donation of Mr. 摩尔 and his family will go on for generations in this community. There is no way to quantify the number of students and families who will see their lives changed through education and careers. It is seldom that one has the opportunity to meet someone with the vision of Mr. 摩尔. I remain awed and humbled by his selfless generosity," said Turbeville.

Dr. 艾米丽C. Hare, Executive Director of the 推荐正规买球平台 基金会, said she is grateful for Mr. 摩尔's generosity to his alma mater. "E. 尤金·摩尔 is a prime example of a student who took full advantage of his educational experiences at 推荐正规买球平台 and exceled to build an international company. His success story is an inspiration to all. 和, 通过他的成功, his financial support will help to boost the 大学 and the Central Carolina community by aiding both current and future generations."

The 推荐正规买球平台 基金会 is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization affiliated with, 但是独立于, 学院. It receives donations of money and equipment on behalf of 推荐正规买球平台 and uses them to promote the educational mission of 学院 and assist students through scholarships and grants.

"We have been successful, and we owe a lot of this to 推荐正规买球平台 and the community,摩尔说。 as to the importance of giving back to the 大学. "It is our desire to make our world, our country, our community, a better place to live and work in. It takes not only better education, but also the right education for the people in our community to be able to achieve an improvement in people's lives. With better education should also come higher paying jobs, with higher paying jobs comes a better lifestyle, a more secure environment, a desire to be better citizens, and the ability to raise a good family.

"Having more educated and trained people locally will make our community more appealing to corporations and businesses to locate to our area. The more businesses we have locating in our community, the more better paying jobs there will be for the people in our community,摩尔说。. "The more better paying jobs and the more successful companies we have in the community, the better our community will be. This will allow us to have great public schools, 伟大的医疗保健, and great recreation for our citizens."

摩尔 said he greatly encourages other people to contribute to 推荐正规买球平台. "The more we contribute to 推荐正规买球平台, the more and faster 推荐正规买球平台 can grow,摩尔说。. "The more 推荐正规买球平台 grows, the more people they can improve education for."

For information on giving to the 推荐正规买球平台 基金会, contact Dr. 艾米丽C. Hare, Executive Director of the 推荐正规买球平台 基金会, 919-718-7230, or ehare@ospifse.net.