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推荐正规买球平台 receives grant to continue YouthBuild Program

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Click to enlarge,  James Thomas (left) is Assistant Director and Lindsay Tipton (right) is Director of the YouthBuild program at Central Carolina Community College. To learn more about the YouthBuild program at 推荐正规买球平台, visit

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James Thomas (left) is Assistant Director and Lindsay Tipton (right) is Director of the YouthBuild ... (more)

07.01.2021College & CommunityCollege General

SANFORD - For some youth, separating from high school before graduation signals an end to their educational journey. For those entering YouthBuild, their journey is just igniting.

Central Carolina Community College (推荐正规买球平台) has been awarded a $1,499,655 grant from the Department of Labor to educate, empower, and employ individuals ages 16-24 over the next three years.

Those eligible for the program must reside in the Central Carolina area, have separated from high school prior to graduation, and have an interest in earning their GED while pursuing a career in a high-demand field.

YouthBuild participants work concurrently to complete their GED and earn an industry-recognized credential in construction, culinary, or nursing. While enrolled in the program, participants benefit from a partnership with Habitat for Humanity, seeing the immediate results of hard work by participating in the construction of low-income housing within their own community.

Along with GED and career pathway instruction, participants are eligible for numerous support services including counseling, leadership training, funding for transportation and child care, stipends, and one year of followup support after being connected to either a college degree program or immediate gainful employment.

Lindsay Tipton, YouthBuild Director at Central Carolina Community College, said, "We are thrilled to continue the work started during our inaugural YouthBuild grant. As a result of the high level of interest throughout our last program cycle, the Department of Labor has increased our funding so that we may serve 25 percent more students than we did over the past two years. We look forward to working with the youth in our service area so that they may reach personal goals, give back to the community and work toward a fulfilling and secure future."

After graduating from YouthBuild, students will be eligible for careers with well-paying jobs. Also, individuals will be equipped with leadership and life skills to effectively face future barriers.

If you know an individual who may benefit from the opportunities of YouthBuild, please contact Lindsay Tipton at 919-777-7704 or visit

To learn more about Central Carolina Community College and its programs, visit