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按此放大,  鲍比·鲍威尔和琳达·鲍威尔站在桑福德中央卡罗莱纳社区学院李美因校区的鲍威尔大厅前.


鲍比和琳达·鲍威尔站在中央卡罗莱纳社区学院的鲍威尔大厅前 ... (更多)

按此放大,  鲍比和琳达·鲍威尔一家站在桑福德中央卡罗莱纳社区学院李美因校区的鲍威尔大厅前.


鲍比和琳达·鲍威尔一家站在中央卡罗来纳社区的鲍威尔大厅前 ... (更多)

05.25.2021大学 & 社区大学一般基金会

桑福德——中央卡罗莱纳社区学院庆祝当前教室的命名 & 健身中心,以纪念路易斯W. "Bobby" 鲍威尔 and Linda Conner 鲍威尔 of Sanford on Thursday, 5月20日, 在桑福德的推荐正规买球平台 Lee Main校区.

50多年来,鲍威尔一家一直是桑福德-李县社区不可或缺的一部分. 他们的社区参与包括对中央卡罗莱纳社区学院的大力支持和承诺. Mr. 鲍威尔一直是推荐正规买球平台董事会和推荐正规买球平台基金会董事会的长期成员.

Construction for the 23,348-square-foot facility was completed in 1996. The facility includes classrooms and the college's gymnasium.

博士发表了一篇祷文. Matt Garrett, 2004年至2008年担任推荐正规买球平台总裁. 加勒特说,他很高兴看到学院向鲍威尔夫妇致敬,并对他们这么多年来为学院做出的诸多贡献表示感谢. "I really enjoyed the years I had the opportunity to work with Bobby," said Garrett.

Lynda Turbeville, 推荐正规买球平台 基金会 Board Chair, provided welcoming remarks. 她说鲍比·鲍威尔一直是她的导师,“也是促成我加入基金会董事会的人之一。, which is the most rewarding community work that I have ever done.特贝维尔补充说,她很高兴认识琳达·鲍威尔多年,非常钦佩她对社区的贡献.

此次活动的发言人包括Dr. Donny Hunter, N.C. Association of 社区 大学 Trustees; Jan Hayes, 推荐正规买球平台 Trustee; and Julian Philpott, 推荐正规买球平台董事会主席.

Hunter was Superintendent of the Lee County Schools when 鲍威尔 served on the school board. “鲍比是那个在这个国家的教育问题上有勇气说出来的人,亨特说。. "I respect him greatly and I appreciate what you did when I was in that job."

"I know that Bobby loves this institution, as does Linda,亨特说。.

"Over a period spanning more than a quarter of a century, 琳达和鲍比·鲍威尔奉献了他们的时间, 专业知识, 领导, love and dedication to 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院,海耶斯说。. “永远展望未来, the Linda and Bobby team have been and continue to be a cogent force in our community ... 一直在努力改善李县. 琳达允许并鼓励鲍比在李县教育委员会任职8年,并在中央卡罗莱纳社区大学董事会任职超过25年,这证明了这一点."

Hayes concluded: "With a lifelong commitment to health, 健康, 教育及社区, 教室和健身中心大楼以鲍威尔的名字命名似乎很合适 ... a couple that truly takes this college and community to heart."

“我们将这一荣誉授予鲍比和琳达,以表彰他们对中国中交及其服务区的杰出志愿服务, and for their generous gifts to the 推荐正规买球平台 基金会,菲尔波特说. "They have also helped secure financial gifts from others for the 基金会, 这些礼物使无数需要经济援助才能进入这所全国排名的大学的学生受益."

Philpott noted that Bobby 鲍威尔 has been an outstanding mentor and friend. “他是一个将推荐正规买球平台学生放在首位的受托人的活生生的例子,他致力于为推荐正规买球平台提供最好的教育体验,菲尔波特说. “琳达一直陪伴着鲍比走过这段旅程的每一步,她一直在激励鲍比去帮助别人. ... 鲍比·鲍威尔和琳达·鲍威尔夫妇每天都表现出真正的公仆的品质——他们对关心和帮助他人有着深深的承诺, 他们会履行承诺."

菲尔波特还分享了纽约州参议员奥巴马的讲话. Jim Burgin, who also serves as Vice Chair of the 推荐正规买球平台 Board of Trustees. “请接受我真诚的感谢,感谢您为中央卡罗莱纳社区学院所做的一切,以及多年来您在斯坦福-李社区中发挥的不可或缺的作用,伯金说。.

“你的奉献精神和许多人生成就是你和你的家人应该感到非常自豪的事情,伯金说。. "You are a true champion for the community colleges. I am proud of everything you both represent and am truly grateful to know you."

鲍比·鲍威尔告诉听众, “琳达和我很荣幸能在这个特殊的场合出席鲍威尔大厅的落成典礼. We thank the 推荐正规买球平台 Board of Trustees and the 基金会 Board for this great honor, and to all of you who were involved in making this event happen - a big, 非常感谢!

"The college has meant a lot to me over the last 26 years, and I know it will continue to grow under the great 领导 of President Dr. 丽莎·查普曼 and Chair of the Board Julian Philpott, 以及董事会的指导,董事会真正相信其使命并共同努力实现这一目标,鲍威尔说.

此外,推荐正规买球平台基金会的主席Linda Turbeville和执行董事Dr. 艾米丽·海尔掌舵,”鲍威尔说. “再接再厉!

鲍威尔说:“我希望今天在座的各位都能继续支持这个优秀的机构. “最后, 但重要的是, to the persons who have always supported me and had my back - the love of my life, Linda; and our two sons, Todd和他的妻子Leisa, Brian和他的妻子Deanna,他们给了我们三个很棒的孙子——Tyler, 悉尼, 和格里芬."

推荐正规买球平台总裁博士. 莉莎米. 查普曼在她的结束语中分享了该学院的几个成功故事,并赞扬了盖茨先生. 鲍威尔 with the 领导 he has provided on the 推荐正规买球平台 Board of Trustees. “我感谢您教给我的一切,查普曼说。, before leading a round of applause for Bobby and Linda 鲍威尔.

有关中央卡罗来纳社区学院的更多信息-该学院致力于为实现梦想提供途径, 访问 www.预备.edu.


路易斯·W. 50多年来,鲍比·鲍威尔和琳达·康纳·鲍威尔一直是桑福德-李县社区不可或缺的一部分. 他们的社区参与包括对中央卡罗莱纳社区学院的大力支持和承诺.

Mr. 鲍威尔 has served as a member of the 推荐正规买球平台 Board of Trustees for more than 25 years. 他于1992年首次被李县教育委员会任命为董事会成员,以完成受托人Helen Holder的任期, 谁已经去世了. 1992年2月至1993年6月. 1996年,政府. Jim Hunt appointed him to the board and he has served since that time. His service includes four years as Chairman (2006-2010). Mr. 鲍威尔, who also serves on the 推荐正规买球平台 基金会 Board of Directors, 在学院的三县地区,推荐正规买球平台的设施和项目有了巨大的增长. During his tenure, he has served with four of the 大学's six presidents - Dr. 马文·乔伊纳博士. 马特·加勒特博士. 巴德·马尚特博士. 丽莎·查普曼. He served on the Lee County Board of Education from 1980-1992.

Mr. 来自北安普顿县的鲍威尔太太. 鲍威尔, from Buncombe County, were married in 1962 and came to Sanford as Mr. 鲍威尔是联合国的.C. 惩教署. He later was the first Lee County coordinator of 社区 Action 项目, and directed the first Lee County Head Start program.

高尔夫在奥巴马的生活中扮演了重要角色. 和夫人. 鲍威尔.

从1967年到1998年,Mr. 鲍威尔是职业高尔夫球协会的负责人, 俱乐部经理, and course superintendent at the Sanford Golf Course and a City of Sanford department head. He oversaw expansion of the course from nine to 18 holes, 举办了第一届砖都锦标赛, 并开始了当地的青少年高尔夫项目.

He is a life member of the Professional Golfers Association of America, member of the Carolinas Golf Course Superintendents Association, and has served on the Campbell University Advisory Board of its Golf Management Program. 路易斯·W号. "Bobby" 鲍威尔 Golf Management Scholarship Fund at Campbell was established in his honor.

夫人. 鲍威尔 held several administrative assistant positions in her career, then maintained the records during her husband's tenure at the Sanford Golf Course.

She began playing tournament golf, participating in the N.C. 参加过25次女子业余比赛,并曾在N.C. 女子高尔夫球协会董事会. She served as president of the statewide organization from 1999-2001. 除了, 她是桑福德女子高尔夫球联盟的长期成员,多次担任主席. 夫人. 鲍威尔是一位熟练的高尔夫球手, having won 14 club championships and four tri-club (Sanford, 鹌鹑脊, 卡罗莱纳田径锦标赛.

Mr. 鲍威尔, who served on three aircraft carriers while in the U.S. Navy (1956-1960), was a three-sport athlete at Gaston High School. He attended East Carolina University for two years. 他的爱好包括高尔夫球。, 狩猎, 钓鱼, 旅行, 庭院劳动, 园艺, 阅读, 以及社区服务.

In 2007, 他被授予长叶松勋章, the highest honor the governor of North Carolina can bestow on a citizen of the state. 它只授予那些对国家或社区有长期杰出服务记录的人.

Mr. 鲍威尔是桑福德ABC董事会成员. 除了, 他是Sanford Exchange Club的成员长达37年,并被评为2006年度Exchange of the Year. He has served on the Sanford Area Chamber of Commerce, 李郡委员会100人, 李郡机场管理局, 以及首都银行当地董事会. 他也是第32届梅森和施莱纳会员.

夫人. 鲍威尔 participated in basketball and track - and was a majorette - at Owen High School. 她就读于加德纳-韦伯大学. 夫人. 鲍威尔是美国革命女儿组织的成员,并参与了“上门送餐”活动. Her hobbies include golf, two bridge clubs, walking, bird watching, orchids, and coloring.

鲍威尔夫妇有两个儿子. 托德•鲍威尔, 谁是退休的市政府行政人员, 和布莱恩·鲍威尔, who is Director of Golf Course Management at Old Chatham Golf Club. Todd's wife Leisa is Associate System Director of Hospital Compliance at UNC Health. Brian's wife Deanna is ViiV Healthcare Contract Finance Manager.

Mr. 和夫人. 鲍威尔有三个孙子孙女. Tyler Elizabeth 鲍威尔, 悉尼 鲍威尔, 和格里芬 鲍威尔. 泰勒毕业于北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校, where she was a member of three field hockey teams that played for national championships. She was a National Field Hockey Coaches Association Academic All-American for two years. 她曾就读于东卡罗莱纳大学医学院,并将在罗切斯特的梅奥诊所进行住院医师实习, 明尼苏达州. 悉尼毕业于北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校,目前正在维克森林大学攻读心理咨询硕士学位. 格里芬是北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校的大四学生.

鲍威尔一家是圣公会的活跃成员. 路加联合卫理公会教堂. 鲍威尔是董事会成员.