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按此放大,  中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 celebrated the achievements of the Class of 2019 as the school observed its 56th Commencement Exercises on May 13 at the Dennis A. 柳条公民 & 桑福德的会议中心.


中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 celebrated the achievements of the Class of 2019 as the school ... (more)

按此放大,  The Class of 2019 has approximately 950 students -- including those expected to graduate after attending summer classes, 谁有望获得1075个证书(副学士学位), 文凭, 和证书).


The Class of 2019 has approximately 950 students -- including those expected to graduate after attending ... (more)

点击放大. Lisa M. Chapman, 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院校长, speaks to graduates at the 56th Commencement Exercises on May 13 at the Dennis A. 柳条公民 & 桑福德的会议中心.


Dr. Lisa M. Chapman, 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院校长, speaks to graduates at the 56th ... (more)

按此放大,  The 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 graduating students entered the main hall to the skirl of a bagpipe, 推荐正规买球平台的传统. 推荐正规买球平台第56届毕业典礼于5月13日在丹尼斯A. 柳条公民 & 桑福德的会议中心.


The 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 graduating students entered the main hall to the skirl of a ... (more)

按此放大,  Retiring instructor Lori Rainforth of the Veterinary Medical Technology program was recognized at the 推荐正规买球平台 56th Commencement Exercises was held May 13 at the Dennis A. 柳条公民 & 桑福德的会议中心.


Retiring instructor Lori Rainforth of the Veterinary Medical Technology program was recognized at ... (more)

05.13.2019College & 社区大学一般毕业典礼学生/毕业生

SANFORD - 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 celebrated the achievements of the Class of 2019 as the school observed its 56th Commencement Exercises on May 13 at the Dennis A. 柳条公民 & 桑福德的会议中心.

The graduating students entered the main hall to the skirl of a bagpipe, 推荐正规买球平台的传统.

"Graduation represents the culmination of the efforts of all divisions of the College along with those of our graduating students, which truly makes it the most joyful day on the academic calendar for everyone. 行政部门, staff, faculty, and I want to say a hearty congratulations to each and every one of you for your hard work and achievement. It has been my good fortune to return to the College as President after a five-year absence, and I am honored to be with you today and celebrate your achievements,中国中交会会长杨志强博士说. Lisa M. Chapman.

“当你走进社区, you will see how beloved 推荐正规买球平台 is in the three-county service area and the surrounding region. This admiration for the College should make our graduates feel proud of our institution and good about their decision to enroll at 推荐正规买球平台 for their higher education experience. 作为社区的长期成员, my family and I will be consumers of many of the services you have been trained to perform, and we are blessed to know that you have received an outstanding education to provide these services in a truly exemplary manner. 几个新项目和新设施刚刚上线, it is indeed a highly exciting time in the history of the College and we are so pleased and proud that our graduates today were a part of the College at this time,”医生说。. Chapman.

The Class of 2019 has approximately 950 students -- including those expected to graduate after attending summer classes, 谁有望获得1075个证书(副学士学位), 文凭, 和证书).

4次毕业典礼,9点.m., 11:30 a.m., 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.,以容纳毕业生的数量. That also allowed those who will complete their studies during the summer to walk in a 毕业 ceremony.

Ginger Harris Bartholomew, 推荐正规买球平台 Faculty Member of the Year, was Chief Marshal and Mace Bearer.


亚历山大·布兰科(牙科卫生专业毕业生)在上午9点发表讲话.m. 毕业. Blanco was chosen by his peers as class president of the Dental Hygiene program. A first-generation college student, he was chosen to speak before Gov. Roy Cooper during a visit to the College and told of his educational story.

Jason Kinkaid (Early Childhood program graduate), spoke at the 11:30 a.m. 毕业. Kinkaid, a retired military veteran, joined the Toastmasters International organization. He is now in the process of pursuing his Master in Education at the graduate level.

奥利维亚·肖(理学院副毕业生)在下午两点发言.m. 毕业. 肖将继承其家族长期以来在纽约大学就读的传统.C. 州立大学. She was a finalist for the prestigious STEM-based Goodnight Scholarship.

杰瑟普·奥弗顿(焊接专业毕业生)在下午4点发言.m. 毕业. Overton, 来自哈尼特县, learned about the College's Career and College Promise program and joined the welding apprenticeship program. A Skills USA participant, he was chosen to speak before a committee at the N.C. General Assembly about the crucial nature and importance of trades' education.

向毕业生致辞的是Lisa Godfrey, 健康科学与人类服务项目主任, 在9点钟.m. 毕业; Scott Byington, Dean of Arts, Sciences and Advising, at the 11:30 a.m. 毕业; Jairo McMican, Dean of Student Learning, at the 2 p.m. 毕业; and Drew Goodson, Dean of Career & 技术教育,下午4点.m. 毕业.

Conferring of Diplomas was by 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 Board of Trustees Chairman Julian Philpott.

祈祷和祝福是由瑞奇·弗雷泽牧师, 锡安桑福德区, 首席长老, 在9点钟.m. 晚上11:30.m. 布鲁斯·海沃特神父,圣. 托马斯圣公会教堂,下午两点.m. and 4 p.m. 仪式.

The Lee County High School JROTC Color Guard had the Presentation of Colors. Miriam Bryant, Vocalist, and David Watson, Guitarist, performed The National Anthem.


十一点半的时候.m. 毕业, Hoyle recognized retiring instructor Lori Rainforth of the Veterinary Medical Technology program. 她于1991年加入中交所.

在毕业练习中, students with the highest grade point averages in their divisions were recognized. At 9 a.m. --阿曼达·丹妮尔·卡尔, Rachel Aleen Hatfield, 斯泰西·威利斯·希曼, Tammy Alexander. 上午11:30.m., 戴安娜·泽西·马特森, Maritical Shonta Spencer, 丽贝卡·詹妮弗·狄龙, Rachel Angelina Stern. At 2 p.m.,达西·诺埃尔·本奇利,米歇尔·安娜·珀基,奥利维亚·格蕾丝·肖. At 4 p.m.——小弗雷德里克·克鲁兹·布尼奥., 伊丽莎白·李·芬奇, 扎卡里·卡尔顿·罗瑞克, 艾玛·丽贝卡·斯台普顿, 凯特琳·伦西·泰勒, Wayne T. 科尔,丹尼尔·詹姆斯·柯林斯.

Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society graduates were also recognized at each commencement. At 9 a.m., 亚历山大•布兰科, 蒂芙尼·妮可·博洪, 阿曼达·丹妮尔·卡尔, 罗斯玛丽·舒亚德, 斯泰西·威利斯·希曼, 凯特琳·拉克利,凯莉, 布里安娜·妮可·波特, 安德列尼基·妮可·雷, 泰勒·李·里德尔, 阿基Takemoto, 塞布丽娜·安妮特·蒂尔曼, 还有佩顿·海莉·温切尔. 上午11:30.m., 泰勒·安妮·贝尔, 卡罗琳·妮可·布罗德尔, 麦迪逊·格蕾丝·科特雷尔, 丽贝卡·詹妮弗·狄龙, Paula Lizeth Funes, 杰米琳·汉密尔顿·加德纳, 赛斯·温布尔·霍伊尔, 朱莉·安妮·约翰斯顿, 凯尔西·布里安娜·莱尔, 戴安娜·泽西·马特森, 肯齐·杰德·奥尔德姆, 贾斯汀·约瑟夫·佩德利, 达尼娅·阿比盖尔·罗萨莱斯·桑托斯, 丽莎·安妮·瑞安, 卡门·格雷·斯库尔克拉夫特. At 2 p.m., 阿德里安·亚历山大·阿尔坎塔拉, 埃文·哈里森·奥尔德里奇, 南希Almanza-Quiroz, 艾莉森·妮可·阿姆斯特朗, 达西·诺艾尔·本奇利, 麦迪逊·伊莱恩·布拉德, 丽贝卡瑰柏翠, 本杰明·约伯·法列罗, 维多利亚·莱蒂西亚·马拉贡, 丹尼尔·穆萨亚蒙达·马坦吉拉., 蒂娜·罗谢尔·莱利, 泰勒·亚历克西斯·施瓦布, 奥利维亚·格蕾丝·肖, 约书亚·霍兰德·史密斯, 艾米莉·维尔奇斯·莫雷诺, 和Crystal M. 威廉姆斯. At 4 p.m., 杰瑟普·科尔顿·奥弗顿, 乔治·阿尔贝托·佩雷斯, 亨特·埃弗里·沃森, 黛博拉·汉娜·威尔克森, 基尔维特·奥古斯托·扎拉瓦里亚·卡布雷拉.

在每次开工典礼后, family and friends gathered to take pictures of their graduate's special day.

毕业典礼的照片可在此下载 delcxy.ospifse.net/slideshows.

For information about 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 and its programs, visit its website, delcxy.ospifse.net 或者拨打919-775-5401.