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按此放大,  艾莉森·普拉利(Allison Plumley)是中央卡罗来纳社区学院的第一代毕业生 the TRIO Student Support 服务 program.


艾莉森·普拉利(Allison Plumley)是中央卡罗来纳社区学院的第一代毕业生 ... (更多)

按此放大,  Yushevia Brewington is a first-generation student in 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院's Early Childhood Education program.


Yushevia Brewington is a first-generation student in 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院's Early Childhood ... (更多)

按此放大,  Christole马多克斯 is a first-generation student in 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院's Human 服务 Technology program.


Christole马多克斯 is a first-generation student in 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院's Human 服务 ... (更多)

11.29.2018大学 & 社区大学一般学生/毕业生

SANFORD - 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 and the TRiO Student Support 服务 programs recently (Nov. 著名的第一代大学生, 教师, 工作人员努力提高人们的意识, 产生骄傲, 并将学生与资源联系起来. The celebration was a part of a national First-Generation 大学 Celebration initiated by the Council for Opportunity in Education (COE), in partnership with the Center for First-Generation Student Success of NASPA-Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education.

11月8日是高等教育法的周年纪念日,这一天意义重大, 最初于1965年在林登·约翰逊总统执政期间通过. The Higher Education Act was intended to strengthen the educational resources of colleges and universities and to provide financial assistance for students in higher education, 并在三重奏项目的发展中发挥了重要作用. In 1968, Student Support 服务 was authorized by the Higher Education Amendments and became the third in a series of educational opportunity programs later known the TRiO programs.

中央卡罗莱纳社区学院's TRiO Student Support 服务 program is one of eight TRiO programs funded by grants from the U.S. Department of Education to identify and provide services for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds. 推荐正规买球平台's TRiO Student Support 服务 (SSS) programs were founded at the college in 2015 and provide participants with opportunities for academic development, 协助学生完成大学的基本要求, 激励学生成功完成他们的高等教育. The program also provides grant aid to current SSS participants who are receiving Federal Pell Grants.

SSS的目标是提高参与者的大学留校率和毕业率. 自2015年以来, the programs have served over 260 low-income and first-generation students and students with disabilities each year. 项目服务包括学术辅导, 在专上课程选择方面提供意见和协助, 经济援助项目和奖学金信息, 金融和经济素养教育, 协助申请入读学士学位课程, 个性化的咨询服务, 职业咨询, 文化的浓缩, 以及指导项目.

学生支持服务计划的目的是提高大学留校率, 毕业, and transfer 毕业 rates of participants; foster an institutional climate supportive of the success of students who are from groups that are traditionally underrepresented in postsecondary education, 残疾人士, or other disconnected students; and improve the financial and economic literacy of participants.

“我们的两个SSS项目都努力为我们的学生提供一站式服务. Helping students using a holistic approach is one way we ensure our students' success is a priority,杰西卡·罗杰斯-狄更斯说, 推荐正规买球平台三重奏学生支持服务项目主任.

Allison Plumley, a first-generation graduate of 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 and alumna of the TRIO Student Support 服务 program, 说TRiO对她的成功起了重要作用. A former cosmetologist who suffered a shoulder injury that left her unable to continue in her profession, 2015年秋,她回到学校攻读理学副学士学位. “我最大的挑战之一是学习如何使用技术. All of the papers for my classes were supposed to be written in a specific format and I barely knew how to attach a file. 我花了很多时间参加SSS提供的技术课程, 利用学术辅助实验室, 和我的导师交流我的困难. 很多人在帮助我掌握技术方面发挥了至关重要的作用,普拉姆利说. "I am now in my second semester at North Carolina State University and I know without the guidance and encouragement of the staff at 推荐正规买球平台 and TRiO I could not have been successful in my efforts."

现在N的参与者.C. 州立大学麦克奈尔三人学者项目, 普拉姆利准备在完成学士学位后进入研究生课程, 作为项目的一部分,他还参加了一项有偿研究. "It never ceases to amaze me how far I have come from a student that could barely use a computer to analyzing data with computer software,她说.

另一个第一代SSS参与者, Yushevia Brewington, 说 she felt overwhelmed upon returning to college at the age of 51 for a degree in Early Childhood Education. “我需要别人帮我完成大学的所有基本要求, 选择课程, 以及缓和大学过渡,她说. “TRiO SSS一直是我的教育生命线. 学术导师为我提供经济援助, 学术咨询, 职业选择, 设定目标, 和讲习班来提高我的技能. 通过指导和庆祝我的成就,TRiO SSS已经成为我的大家庭.作为家里第一个上大学的人, Brewington说, “这给了我一种自豪感."

The TRiO Student Support 服务 program also assists many students financially and connects them to resources in the community. Christole马多克斯, 推荐正规买球平台人类服务技术项目的第一代学生, 说, "A challenge that I have faced in college is being able to get to and from school because I do not drive. 推荐正规买球平台和SSS通过提供资助让我更容易, 奖学金, and supplemental grant aid so that I am able to safely get to and from school every day with public transportation and not have to worry so much about where the money for transportation is coming from."

克里斯托尔在推荐正规买球平台工作时也意识到自己视力不佳. “我很难阅读课本,所以我不得不眯着眼睛阅读,而且经常头痛. An SSS staff member did some research and found a program that would help me get my eyes checked and get glasses as well, 哪一个是真正的祝福."

克里斯托尔指出,当她刚开始在中交所工作时, 她对完成大学课程没有很高的期望. “在老师的帮助和TRiO SSS团队的鼓励下, 我对我的未来和毕业感到非常乐观,她说. “看到自己能完成的事情让我感觉很好."

阿什利Tittemore, 推荐正规买球平台大学入学计划执行主任, 说, "It was important for us to set aside this special day to celebrate our first-generation college students because we want them to know that they belong here, 我们相信他们, 还有其他人也在经历着和他们一样的事情."

2018年秋季, 40 percent of 推荐正规买球平台 students who completed the FAFSA identified as first-generation college students. 斯科特Byington, 文学院院长, 科学, 并在中央卡罗莱纳社区学院担任顾问, is working on an initiative at the college to provide customized advising to first-generation students.

"We continue to evolve our advising program to be more responsive to the needs of all of our students,拜灵顿说。. “第一代学生在推荐正规买球平台开始学习时具有独特的优势和挑战. 结果是, 我们有意开发新的建议方法和资源,以最好地支持他们. We are always seeking ways to support our first-generation students and enable our advisors to make the student experience positive and rewarding."

Rogers-Dickens added: "Celebrating first-generation college students is a reminder to the first-generation graduates and current students that by obtaining a degree you are changing the path of your family. 最终,你是游戏规则的改变者,值得为你对成功的承诺而感到荣幸."

For more information about the TRiO Student Support 服务 program at 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院, 请访问 www.预备.edu/sss,致电(919)718-7567,或发电子邮件 sss@预备.edu.