


10.15.2010年•大学 & 社区、继续教育、设施/楼宇

桑福德——老格兰特·霍姆斯. 走在修复后的W.B. 柳条学校,现在被称为W.B. 柳条商业园区. 

“我没想到会看到我现在看到的,”他说. “It feels really great to see the building is back and being used for educational purposes again.”  

Holmes was at 柳条 for the open house for 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院’s Lifelong Learning Center. The Center occupies most of the space in the former school as well as two classroom pods on the property. 

The Lifelong Learning Center includes 推荐正规买球平台’s Adult Education and 继续教育 programs as well as the administrative office of the Triangle South Workforce Development Board. The college’s dental hygiene and dental assisting programs are also located at 柳条. 

Visitors commented on the beauty of the restored 柳条 building, as well as how it and the classroom pods provide a spacious and well-equipped learning environment. It is a far cry from the cramped and aged quarters of the former Jonesboro School where the college held its Basic Education and many of its 继续教育 classes until the move to 柳条 over the past few months. 

“我喜欢它。,静脉切开术技师学生阿波罗尼亚·麦克莱恩说, 谁在开放日帮忙做血糖检查. “It’s a new learning environment – it feels more school-y, much better than Jonesboro.” 

Visitors to the open house could have their blood sugar or vision checked by students in the college’s 继续教育 phlebotomy technician or optometric assistant programs. 还有其他几个课程的展示, 包括缝纫, 珠宝制作和蛋糕装饰. They could also walk through the clinical area for the college’s dental programs and see some 继续教育 and Adult Education classes. 

Many who came for the open house were alumni and former teachers at W.B. 柳条学校, which was built in the 1920s with partial funding by the Rosenwald Foundation. The foundation helped fund the construction of many schools in the South for black children and youth in the early part of the 20th century. 柳条 is one of the few remaining Rosenwald schools and has been placed on the U.S. 内政部的历史名胜名单. 

福尔摩斯既是校友又是老师. He graduated from 柳条 in 1955, when the school was the pride 桑福德的’s black community. 1968年,他以小学音乐教师的身份回国. 

In 1969, public school integration resulted in 柳条’s students being moved to Sanford High School. 柳条 was used as a middle school and for other purposes until it was permanently closed in 1990. The handsome brick building deteriorated rapidly once it was abandoned. 

1997年,桑福德律师小威廉. 买下这处房产是为了防止它被夷为平地, in 2001, 把它转让给了布里克资本社区发展公司. BCCDC, with strong community support, oversaw the extensive restoration and renovation of the school. 

这座建筑已经完全修复了. 让学院搬迁其李县成人教育, 继续教育, 和劳动力发展计划 into the facility has brought it back to its original use as an educational institution. 

“This is my dream come true,” said Kate Rumely, BCCDC executive director since 1997. “我很兴奋. I hoped this would happen from the very beginning, but this is beyond what we anticipated. 当社区共同努力时,好事就会发生.” 

The college first rented space at 柳条 for its dental hygiene and dental assisting programs, 从2007年开始. In 2010, the college moved its Lee County Adult Education and 继续教育 programs from the Jonesboro Center, 前李县小学, 去柳条商学院. 

“We are in a facility new that the students and teachers can be proud of,中国交建主席马尚说. “The college has also become part of this community and shares the pride they and Brick Capital Community Development Corporation take in it. 柳条又回到了原点. It’s once again a thriving educational institution serving this community.” 

For more information on the college’s 继续教育 or Adult Basic Education programs in Lee County or Workforce Development, 请致电(919)775-2122, 或者访问学院的网站, www.预备.edu/.


中央卡罗莱纳社区学院10月. 它在华盛顿大学的终身学习中心于14日开放.B. 柳条商业园区, 在桑福德, attracted visitors to view demonstrations and displays of some of the classes offered by the Center’s Adult Education, 继续教育, 和劳动力发展计划. 朱迪·法默(左), coordinator for the college’s Lee County 继续教育 health programs, talks to students in a Nursing Assistant II class 开放日期间.  显示(从前到后)是里纳达约翰逊, of Dunn; Judy Foxx, of Siler City; Sue McNeill, of Vass; Dana Miller, of Carthage; and Christine Cummings, 七湖. 


中央卡罗莱纳社区学院10月. 它在华盛顿大学的终身学习中心于14日开放.B. 柳条商业园区, 在桑福德, attracted visitors to view demonstrations and displays of some of the classes offered by the Center’s Adult Education, 继续教育, 和劳动力发展计划. Visitors saw demonstrations and displays of programs at the Center. 放血技术员学生凯特琳·约翰斯(左)桑福德大学, 检查同学阿波罗妮娅·麦克莱恩的血糖水平, 也是桑福德大学的, 开放日期间. 


布伦达·坎贝尔(右)桑福德大学, is ready to receive a vision check from 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 optometric assistant instructor Gwen Rackley during the college’s Oct. 终身学习中心的开放日. 有限责任公司位于W.B. 柳条商业园区, 在桑福德 and houses the college’s Adult Education and 继续教育 programs in Lee County 和劳动力发展计划. 该学院的牙科课程也位于W.B. 柳条. The open house attracted visitors to view demonstrations and displays of some of the classes offered at the Center. 


享受十月. 14 open house for 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院’s Lifelong Learning Center at the W.B. 柳条商业园区, 在桑福德, 从左起是埃斯特·赖特吗桑福德大学; 推荐正规买球平台 President Bud Marchant; Kate Rumely, executive director of Brick Capital Community Development Corporation; and Grant Holmes Sr.桑福德大学. 赖特和霍姆斯都曾就读于前W.B. 柳条学校. 赖特是1966年的一名新生. 赫尔姆斯1955年毕业,1968年回国教授音乐. The school served Sanford’s black students from 1927-1969 and is on the U.S. 内政部的历史名胜名单.  BCCDC对其进行了修复,并将其更名为W.B. 柳条商业园区. It is now home to the college’s dental programs and its Lifelong Learning Center, which includes the college’s Lee County programs in Adult Education and 继续教育, 及劳动力发展. 


中央卡罗莱纳社区学院于10月11日举行了一次开放日. 它的终身学习中心位于华盛顿大学.B. 位于桑福德的柳条商学院(如图). The school served Sanford’s black students from 1927-1969 and is on the U.S. 内政部的历史名胜名单. BCCDC对其进行了修复,并将其更名为W.B. 柳条商业园区. 它现在是学院的牙科项目和有限责任公司的所在地, which includes the college’s Lee County programs in Adult Education, 继续教育, 及劳动力发展. Open house visitors came to view demonstrations and displays of some of the classes offered by the Center’s Adult Education, 继续教育, 和劳动力发展计划.