


07.13.2023年•大学 & 社区,学院,学生/毕业生

桑福德,N.C. - 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 student Rosalio "Leo" Avalos of Sanford won the gold medal for Internetworking in the recent SkillsUSA national championships in Atlanta, Ga.

SkillsUSA is an organization supporting development of career and technical skills for students in middle school, 高中, 和大学. The SkillsUSA Mission Statement: "SkillsUSA empowers its members to become world-class workers, 领导人和负责任的美国公民. We improve the quality of our nation's future skilled workforce through the development of SkillsUSA Framework skills that include personal, 以学术为基础的工作和技术技能. 我们的愿景是培养世界上技术水平最高的劳动力, 为每位会员提供事业成功的机会."

Three other 推荐正规买球平台 students who were first-place winners in the state SkillsUSA championships and competing in the national event were Claudia Castro-Reyes of Cameron (Commercial Baking), 本森公司的杰拉尔德·琼斯(摩托车服务技术), 《推荐正规买球平台》罗本·卡迪什(焊接雕塑).

Avalos says he was filled with a sense of accomplishment when accepting his gold medal. "I knew my wife was watching and I threw my hand up as if to say, 'We did it!' I've been trying to wrap my head around the idea of being a national champion,阿瓦洛斯说, who notes that he chose 推荐正规买球平台 because of the school's support for military veterans. "The more I think about it, I begin to realize how much more this accomplishment means. 我的对手是每个州的精英. 在北卡罗来纳州获得第一名之后, I knew that in order to do well at nationals I had to keep practicing and reading."

John Ainsworth, 推荐正规买球平台 IT - Networking Instructor, had praise for Avalos and his classmates. "Leo and his classmates are some of the most dedicated networking students I've had the great pleasure to teach. 如果最初的目标是, “去玩吧, 为明年做好准备,那么利奥肯定超过了这个数英里,安斯沃思说.

"I am so proud of Leo and the networking classmates who helped him get there. His participation afforded him the opportunity to directly speak with Cisco employees (judges at the competition) and I believe something really good will be coming out of that, 如果这是他选择的道路. He -- and the team -- now have a few more options than they had previously, and the training process has just made them all that much better at their craft."

Two of Avalos' 推荐正规买球平台 classmates - 埃内斯托·希门尼斯·弗洛雷斯 of Sanford and Minerva Martos Rodarte of Cameron - finished 第二和第三, 分别, 在北卡罗来纳技能联盟锦标赛中. 阿瓦洛斯、弗洛雷斯和罗达特都是推荐正规买球平台的一年级学生. They were joined in the state competition by classmates Kyle Leach of Goldston and Zachary Short of Sanford.

“我们早在一月份就开始为比赛进行训练,”安斯沃思说. "Leo actually convinced some of his classmates (also first-year students) to give the competition a try."

Avalos notes that SkillsUSA mentors and prepares students for the job market. "It tests your knowledge as well as your communication and problem-solving skills. These skills are highly sought after when you are looking to pursue a career," he said.

The national Internetworking competition consisted of five parts - network design, 故障排除, 端到端设备配置, TAC(技术援助中心)呼叫, 还有笔试.

Avalos said his two key takeaways from the competition were having the knowledge about the system and being able to communicate with the customer. "Whether it's assisting them with a technical difficulty or delivering a presentation, 我们必须牢记谁是我们的听众,阿瓦洛斯说.

中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 SkillsUSA Advisers include John Ainsworth, 查尔斯贝尔, 斯科特屠夫, 凯瑟琳Horrell, Regina铸币工人, 和杰森·劳斯.

Butcher had praise for all four of the 推荐正规买球平台 students who competed in the national event. 作为推荐正规买球平台 SkillsUSA分会的顾问, I can honestly say that I have watched these four individuals grow into the champions that they did not know they were by participating in a national contest for each of their skills areas. I have seen first-hand the countless hours of preparation that goes into their craft by studying programming techniques, 练习的食谱, 练习焊接, 阅读摩托车维修手册,布彻说。. “这些学生不仅为SkillsUSA全国会议做准备, but continued to finish their work for the remainder of their classes while at the conference. Their dedication to their own success is inspirational and they deserve every accolade they receive. 不管拿不拿奖牌——在我看来,他们都是冠军."

Butcher said the instructors and administration at 推荐正规买球平台 "work closely to follow the framework that SkillsUSA provides to empower its members to become the world-class workers that we know they can be,布彻说。. “这些顾问花了无数的时间来安排简历审查会议, working with industry partners to put the students in front of them to help mentor their students to become the best they can be. They encourage the students and push them because they see the potential in them -- not only to be great employees, 而是他们社区的好管家."

阿瓦洛斯特别感谢他的顾问约翰·安斯沃思. 阿瓦洛斯说:“没有他的指导,我不可能走到今天。. "It's people like him that highlight the reason why I chose to go to and obtain my degree from 推荐正规买球平台."

Avalos says he is pursuing a degree in Information Technology General as well as a diploma in Network Administration.

有关中央卡罗莱纳社区学院的更多信息,请访问 www.预备.edu.


中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 student Rosalio阿瓦洛斯 (center) is pictured receiving his gold medal for Internetworking at the recent SkillsUSA national championships in Atlanta, Ga.


Four 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 students competed at the recent SkillsUSA national championships in Atlanta, Ga. They are, left to right: Rosalio阿瓦洛斯, Robben Kadish, Gerald Jones, and Claudia Castro-Reyes.


Rosalio阿瓦洛斯, 埃内斯托·希门尼斯·弗洛雷斯, 密涅瓦·马托斯·罗达特获得第一名, 第二和第三, 分别, 在北卡罗来纳技能联盟锦标赛中 in the Internetworking category.