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推荐正规买球平台 Phi Theta Kappa earns first star


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推荐正规买球平台 Phi Theta Kappa earns first star

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Central Carolina Community College�s chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa international honor society received both a Star Award and the Best New Chapter Award at the society�s March 19 Carolinas Regional Convention, held in Clemmons. The Beta Sigma Phi chapter was established in November and received the awards in recognition of the activity and accomplishments of its members. Representing the chapter at the convention were: (front, from left) Samantha Taylor, of Sanford; recording secretary Wendy Champion, of Angier; Vice President Dana Stone, of Dunn; President Cheryl Reynolds, of Cameron, Public Relations secretary Monique Pardo, of Sanford, a Lee Early College student; and Vernon Tolliver, of Lee County; and (back, from left) Walter Harrison, of Chatham County; Mike Neil, chapter co-advisor; Mark Hall, chapter lead advisor; and member Shirley Rijkse, of Broadway.

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